
2009년 03월 22일 "내 기도가 내 품으로 돌아왔도다" 영문
2009-03-23 00:00:00
조회수   2718
My Prayers Returned to Me

Introduction: There is a saying that even a successful company shuts down its business at its 30 year cycle. It takes about 30 years for a new generation to take a charge in its family. There isn"t anything coincident in this world. If you look carefully at the human history, you can see that the history of failure is repeatedly coming. God wants Christians to deliver His blessings to their next generation grabbing onto the mystery of the true covenant and escaping from the history of repetitive failure. David received the answer that would change the history of the field when he prayed in the midst of extreme suffering and moan. The christians must enjoy the important mystery that David had enjoyed.

1. The best blessing that God has given us - The mystery of changing people
(1) You must understand and confirm two basics.
1) Everything on the earth is doomed to be perished. (caused by Gen. 3 incident)
2) That"s why mankind should receive salvation first.
3) God will work when these two things are rooted in the deep place of your
heart. (The parable of grapevine)
(2) God has given us the power to change the field.
1) God has given us the covenant in order to deliver the eternal blessing
(Ac. 1:8)
2) Everything in the field is built in the structure to be collapsed and failed.
(3) God has given us the power to change people
1) When people change, things that they move will be restored as well.
(business, money)
2) From now on, you should do intercession prayer in order to save people.
3) You should first solve problems coming from interpersonal relationship, then
all the answers will come. (Mt. 5:23-24)
① David did not blame on the people who gave him sufferings. (v. 11-12)
② When David prayed keeping King Saul in his mind, all of his prayers were
answered without exception. (v. 13-14)
③ God will absolutely answer you when you pray regarding the matters of
interpersonal relationship. (v. 13, Lk. 10:11-13)

2. The thing that you should first restore. - the power of prayer
(1) Organize the word of God in order to receive answers to prayer.
1) The word is God Himself. (Jn. 1:1)
2) God gives us word first and fulfills it afterwards. (Jer. 33:1-3)
(2) Three kinds of word that you should organize on your daily basis.
1) You must organize the Gospel in the word of God (Grab hold of uniqueness)
① You should realize why Christ is the only answer.
② Christ is the only name that gives us freedom from the authority of Satan,
the destiny of sin and curses, and the power of the hell.
2) You must organize the word regarding your life.
① You will know who you are as much as you organize the Gospel.
(Understanding the Gospel = Understanding your life)
② You should find out the messages that God gives regarding your job,
position, and situation. (Personal message)
3) You must organize the word regarding your future.
① You"ll receive answers whenever you come to the pulpit if the Gospel and
the messages regarding your life are organized in you.
② Your future(direction), answers(prayer topics), and time schedule will be
seen through the pulpit message.
Conclusion: Without the power of saving people and the mystery of saving people, you have no choice but to repeat the history of failure which was seen in the book of Judges. The very first thing to be restored is the power of saving people, and it will be given in the answers to prayer. When you restore this, everything on the earth will be restored as well. May you restore the strength of saving people and your field through prayer.


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