2009년 04월 05일 "주를 아는 자들에게" 영문
2009-04-06 00:00:00
조회수 2537
April 5, 2009 Sunday Pulpit Message Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
To Those Who Know You
(Psalm 36:1-12)
Introduction: There are so many types of people in the world, but you can divide them into two groups according to the values (view of the world) they have; the groups are the people on the side of faith and those on the side of unbelief. What should we do in order to live successfully in the work of faith? David was always a lonely person; however, he was always successful because he belonged to the side of faith even in the world of unbelief. He was the ruler of faith who had led Israelites who were in the middle of curses and disasters to the side of faith from unbelief. We should figure out this mystery through today"s scripture.
1. The work of unbelief and the work of faith that David had experienced
(1) The work of Satan, the work of unbelief, that non-believers (who don"t know
the mystery of life) experience (v.1-4)
1) The absolute standard of those who don"t know the life is "evil."
① It is evil itself to deny the existence of God and to have no fear of the
② They fall into idol worship because they don"t fear God
③ Even the people on the side of faith spit out words of unbelief
from their mouth without fear of the Lord.
2) They are insensible to their sins (Insensibility to sins is curse.)
① Every human being has fundamental sin (separation from God). [in other
word, "original sin"]
②The result of the original sin, self-committed sin, ancestral sin will surely
return to their descendants.
3)The word, itself in the sphere of unbelief is evil and trick.(parable of a pirate
4)They work out a plot to figure out how to perish others.
(2) The work of faith that David who had the right view of the world experienced. (v. 5-9)
1) The Lord is merciful and sincere. (v.5)
2) The Lord is righteous, and His judgement is deep and profound. (v.6)
3) The same peace that a chick feels when it is under the shadow of its
mom"s wings. (v. 7)
4) The work of revival is in the hands of Christ. Don"t worry about failure. (v.9)
2. How will you successfully overcome the work of unbelief with faith?
(1) Don"t be oppressed by unbelief. Taste of the work of God by entering into the
work of blessings.
(2) Don"t directly fight against it, and just keep your composure.
1) The spiritual strength that God gives and the 7 Remnants had.
2) Unbelief flees away when the territory of God"s kingdom extends in your field.
(Mt. 12:28-29)
3) Find out disciples and raise them up, then you will overcome unbelief.
(3) The conclusion of God is that the people of unbelief will absolutely perish, and
the people of the covenant will be victorious after all. (Eph. 6:13)
Conclusion: May you know the Christ deeply, and enjoy the best blessing. Receive the true power given in the Christ. Evil Satan attacks us to cut off the thread of life (Christ) by making troubles in our lives. Don"t be deceived by this. The work of Satan and the work of unbelief have no choice but to be crumbled before the work of faith and the work of the kingdom of God being established. May you be the fountain/main character of faith and blessings, so that unbelief may be crumbled down everywhere you take your steps.
To Those Who Know You
(Psalm 36:1-12)
Introduction: There are so many types of people in the world, but you can divide them into two groups according to the values (view of the world) they have; the groups are the people on the side of faith and those on the side of unbelief. What should we do in order to live successfully in the work of faith? David was always a lonely person; however, he was always successful because he belonged to the side of faith even in the world of unbelief. He was the ruler of faith who had led Israelites who were in the middle of curses and disasters to the side of faith from unbelief. We should figure out this mystery through today"s scripture.
1. The work of unbelief and the work of faith that David had experienced
(1) The work of Satan, the work of unbelief, that non-believers (who don"t know
the mystery of life) experience (v.1-4)
1) The absolute standard of those who don"t know the life is "evil."
① It is evil itself to deny the existence of God and to have no fear of the
② They fall into idol worship because they don"t fear God
③ Even the people on the side of faith spit out words of unbelief
from their mouth without fear of the Lord.
2) They are insensible to their sins (Insensibility to sins is curse.)
① Every human being has fundamental sin (separation from God). [in other
word, "original sin"]
②The result of the original sin, self-committed sin, ancestral sin will surely
return to their descendants.
3)The word, itself in the sphere of unbelief is evil and trick.(parable of a pirate
4)They work out a plot to figure out how to perish others.
(2) The work of faith that David who had the right view of the world experienced. (v. 5-9)
1) The Lord is merciful and sincere. (v.5)
2) The Lord is righteous, and His judgement is deep and profound. (v.6)
3) The same peace that a chick feels when it is under the shadow of its
mom"s wings. (v. 7)
4) The work of revival is in the hands of Christ. Don"t worry about failure. (v.9)
2. How will you successfully overcome the work of unbelief with faith?
(1) Don"t be oppressed by unbelief. Taste of the work of God by entering into the
work of blessings.
(2) Don"t directly fight against it, and just keep your composure.
1) The spiritual strength that God gives and the 7 Remnants had.
2) Unbelief flees away when the territory of God"s kingdom extends in your field.
(Mt. 12:28-29)
3) Find out disciples and raise them up, then you will overcome unbelief.
(3) The conclusion of God is that the people of unbelief will absolutely perish, and
the people of the covenant will be victorious after all. (Eph. 6:13)
Conclusion: May you know the Christ deeply, and enjoy the best blessing. Receive the true power given in the Christ. Evil Satan attacks us to cut off the thread of life (Christ) by making troubles in our lives. Don"t be deceived by this. The work of Satan and the work of unbelief have no choice but to be crumbled before the work of faith and the work of the kingdom of God being established. May you be the fountain/main character of faith and blessings, so that unbelief may be crumbled down everywhere you take your steps.