2009년 05월 03일 "My Hope Is in You"
2009-05-04 00:00:00
조회수 2143
May 03, 2009/ Sunday Pulpit II/ Pastor Shin, Bong Jun
My Hope Is in You
(Ps. 39:1-13)
Introduction Those who have the covenant are bound to be successful. God has made us come before Him because He wanted us. We are the people who can never perish because God called us. God has called us for the sake of world evangelization according to His own plan. There may be many problems or incidents however, we do not have to fear at all because we are destined to be victorious. Even the changes that happen in your life are just your platform for the fulfillment of the covenant (world evangelization.)
1. Man is a spiritual being
(1) God created man as a spiritual being (Gen. 1:27-28)
1) A man must stay with God because he was created in the image of God.
(The principle of life)
2) Every human being is life fell into the hands of Satan due to separation from
God and sins. (Jn. 8:44)
3) Separation from God →Spiritual death (Spiritual problems)
(2) God has given us the Gospel in order to solve spiritual problems.
1) Gen. 3:15 Jesus came as the offspring of the woman and crushed the head
of the serpent.
2) Ex. 3:18 He sacrificed Himself as an offering and washed away all of our sins.
3) Is. 7:14 He is with us forever (Immanuel).
4) Jn. 14:15-17, Mk. 16:19-20 The Lord of resurrection is in the right side of
God is heavenly throne at the same time He is with the believers.
(3) The answers that naturally take place in you life come as much as you live a
spiritual life.
1) When you enter into the indwelling, the guidance, and the filling of the Holy
Spirit, the answers that naturally take place in your life come.
2) The sizes of your fruits will be discernible in your next generation. (Jacob
who chose a spiritual life style, Esau who chose a physical life style.)
3) Enjoying spiritual blessings should be your first priority (Standard of life,
3Jn. 1:2, Jn. 6:63)
4) Physical blessings follow after you get strengthened spiritually and save souls.
2. The more you suffer, the more you must focus on spiritual life style.
(1) David had focused on spiritual life style as much as he suffered.
1) David experienced three difficulties all at once, but he did not perish.
(He suffered physically, mentally, and spiritually (Ps.38:10, 11, 12, 16)
2) David looked for God instead of complaining even in a frustrating situation.
3) Do not fight against problems. Ask God for help!
(2) Trust the Christ only. (v.7 My hope is in you.)
1) If you find limitations and worthlessness of human life during the time of
difficulties, you will testify that hope is only in the Lord.
2) Our powerlessness, weakness, and limitations are the work of recovery for
another beginning.
3) Christ is the only and real one whom we can rely on. There is only one
savior, and his name is Jesus Christ.
Conclusion: Restore your spiritual strength, and enter into spiritual life as much as you suffer from hardships and problems. May all of your weakness and limitations turn into the opportunity to receive the blessing to see the completeness of Christ is salvation. "My hope is in the Lord!"
My Hope Is in You
(Ps. 39:1-13)
Introduction Those who have the covenant are bound to be successful. God has made us come before Him because He wanted us. We are the people who can never perish because God called us. God has called us for the sake of world evangelization according to His own plan. There may be many problems or incidents however, we do not have to fear at all because we are destined to be victorious. Even the changes that happen in your life are just your platform for the fulfillment of the covenant (world evangelization.)
1. Man is a spiritual being
(1) God created man as a spiritual being (Gen. 1:27-28)
1) A man must stay with God because he was created in the image of God.
(The principle of life)
2) Every human being is life fell into the hands of Satan due to separation from
God and sins. (Jn. 8:44)
3) Separation from God →Spiritual death (Spiritual problems)
(2) God has given us the Gospel in order to solve spiritual problems.
1) Gen. 3:15 Jesus came as the offspring of the woman and crushed the head
of the serpent.
2) Ex. 3:18 He sacrificed Himself as an offering and washed away all of our sins.
3) Is. 7:14 He is with us forever (Immanuel).
4) Jn. 14:15-17, Mk. 16:19-20 The Lord of resurrection is in the right side of
God is heavenly throne at the same time He is with the believers.
(3) The answers that naturally take place in you life come as much as you live a
spiritual life.
1) When you enter into the indwelling, the guidance, and the filling of the Holy
Spirit, the answers that naturally take place in your life come.
2) The sizes of your fruits will be discernible in your next generation. (Jacob
who chose a spiritual life style, Esau who chose a physical life style.)
3) Enjoying spiritual blessings should be your first priority (Standard of life,
3Jn. 1:2, Jn. 6:63)
4) Physical blessings follow after you get strengthened spiritually and save souls.
2. The more you suffer, the more you must focus on spiritual life style.
(1) David had focused on spiritual life style as much as he suffered.
1) David experienced three difficulties all at once, but he did not perish.
(He suffered physically, mentally, and spiritually (Ps.38:10, 11, 12, 16)
2) David looked for God instead of complaining even in a frustrating situation.
3) Do not fight against problems. Ask God for help!
(2) Trust the Christ only. (v.7 My hope is in you.)
1) If you find limitations and worthlessness of human life during the time of
difficulties, you will testify that hope is only in the Lord.
2) Our powerlessness, weakness, and limitations are the work of recovery for
another beginning.
3) Christ is the only and real one whom we can rely on. There is only one
savior, and his name is Jesus Christ.
Conclusion: Restore your spiritual strength, and enter into spiritual life as much as you suffer from hardships and problems. May all of your weakness and limitations turn into the opportunity to receive the blessing to see the completeness of Christ is salvation. "My hope is in the Lord!"