2009년 07월 05일 "The Message of The Cross"
2009-07-08 00:00:00
조회수 1905
Jul. 05, 2009 / Sunday Pulpit II / Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
The Message of The Cross
Introduction: God has the perfect plan of world evangelizaiton and is definitely leading all of us. However, we think that we are too weak compared to the world and cannot do world evangelization on our own, but God is telling us to change our fields with the power given by Him. What should we do to save our regions and the entire age and change spiritual atmosphere?
Corinth was very similar to Daegu in all parts except that it was a port city. It was a city of commerce, idol, and lechery. The Corinthian church was supposed to save its city, but in fact, the influence of idol worship came into the church, and even the church members could not transcend the level of the residents of the city. The Corinthian Church had enjoyed the blessing to save its entire region without falling into the problems it had. How can we also enjoy the same blessing?
1. You must stake your life on the name of Christ.
(1) The measure of success and destruction - "Are you really thinking the message of the cross as the highest value?"
(2) The only absolute measure on the earth is the name of Christ (The work of life and salvation)
2. You must know what blessings are in Christ.
(1) The fact that I have been called according to the will of God is a blessing (v.1)
(2) I have been sanctified and called to be a saint, and God is with me.
(3) True peace will be with you as much as you realize this fact. (v.3)
(4) The Lord who has everything is within me. (v.4-5)
(5) The unshakable and firm blessing like a rock has been given to you. (v.6)
(6) God will raise you as a blameless, qualified, and noble individual.
3. You must know what will happen when you are ignorant of the blessings in Christ. (The reason that you can"t receive anwers to prayer.)
(1) Dispute (v.10) - because of not knowing about the spiritual being working behind human relationship.
(2) You will use humanistic method moving according to personal networking or faction. (v.16)
(3) You will lose the true purpose (v.17) - Church exists for evangelism.
Conclusion: God will eventually bless everything in your life if you know what God desires and move along with it. This is how you receive answers to prayer. Problems in church are not problems any more when you taste of the power and mystery of the name of Christ.
A fool is not impressed by the message of the cross but will be perished in the end; however, the wise feels excited and happy just listening to the name of Christ. May you experience the mystery of Christ"s name best and be blessed to be a witness who boasts of only the name of Christ.
The Message of The Cross
Introduction: God has the perfect plan of world evangelizaiton and is definitely leading all of us. However, we think that we are too weak compared to the world and cannot do world evangelization on our own, but God is telling us to change our fields with the power given by Him. What should we do to save our regions and the entire age and change spiritual atmosphere?
Corinth was very similar to Daegu in all parts except that it was a port city. It was a city of commerce, idol, and lechery. The Corinthian church was supposed to save its city, but in fact, the influence of idol worship came into the church, and even the church members could not transcend the level of the residents of the city. The Corinthian Church had enjoyed the blessing to save its entire region without falling into the problems it had. How can we also enjoy the same blessing?
1. You must stake your life on the name of Christ.
(1) The measure of success and destruction - "Are you really thinking the message of the cross as the highest value?"
(2) The only absolute measure on the earth is the name of Christ (The work of life and salvation)
2. You must know what blessings are in Christ.
(1) The fact that I have been called according to the will of God is a blessing (v.1)
(2) I have been sanctified and called to be a saint, and God is with me.
(3) True peace will be with you as much as you realize this fact. (v.3)
(4) The Lord who has everything is within me. (v.4-5)
(5) The unshakable and firm blessing like a rock has been given to you. (v.6)
(6) God will raise you as a blameless, qualified, and noble individual.
3. You must know what will happen when you are ignorant of the blessings in Christ. (The reason that you can"t receive anwers to prayer.)
(1) Dispute (v.10) - because of not knowing about the spiritual being working behind human relationship.
(2) You will use humanistic method moving according to personal networking or faction. (v.16)
(3) You will lose the true purpose (v.17) - Church exists for evangelism.
Conclusion: God will eventually bless everything in your life if you know what God desires and move along with it. This is how you receive answers to prayer. Problems in church are not problems any more when you taste of the power and mystery of the name of Christ.
A fool is not impressed by the message of the cross but will be perished in the end; however, the wise feels excited and happy just listening to the name of Christ. May you experience the mystery of Christ"s name best and be blessed to be a witness who boasts of only the name of Christ.