
2009년 09월 06일 "The Mystery to overcome the field"
2009-09-07 00:00:00
조회수   1867
Sept. 06, 2009 / Sunday Service II / Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
The Mystery to overcome the field

Introduction: Corinthian church was where Apostle Paul had poured all of his heart and effort and did ministry for an incomparably long period, 1 year and 6 months. It was a church that experienced a special gift from God; however, it caused so many problems since it did not know the mystery of the field. We should remember that the problems of Corinthian church are the same ones that we have today. How can we resolve them?
1. Problems of Corinthian Church and today"s churches.
(1) Problems of Corinthian Church
1) Idol worship came into the church (1Cor.10:20)
2) Problems regarding gift (1Cor.12-14)
3) Lewd conduct (1Cor.5)
- In Corinth, the center of trades and transportation, many races of people lived, and there were temples standing all over the place. The rites carried out in the temples were closely related to obscene act.
(2) Problems of today"s churches
1) Present Reality: Churches that were established based on the Gospel became a sightseeing place or were shut down.
2) Cause: The original essence of church (Only Jesus, Only Gospel, Only evangelism) was missed.
3) Results: Churches became powerless, and believers became wanderers. People fell into drugs, alcohol, or dances without enjoying true peace, happiness, and blessings.
(3) You must hold onto only Jesus, Gospel, and evangelism looking at Corinthian church.

2. How will you teach your children?
(1) Satan blocks your children from knowing the true pleasure by giving them wrong pleasures instead. (2Cor.11:4)
(2) You must lead them into experiencing true joy, happiness, and pleasure.
1) Content of education
① You should teach your children how to view obscene act with the Gosepl instad of just letting them stay away from it.
② You should tell them that God has a plan to fulfill through the Remnant"s physical life and wants to be glorified through it. (They should not be a moralist or non-moralist.)
2) When you experience the mystery of Christ"s name, you will come to move and change the world with the power of God.
(3) If you have any problem or incident, make it as an opportunity to deliver spiritual fact to your children.

Conclusion: Families must be restored for the sake of world evangelization. Especially, the answer to transcend lewdness is in the name of Christ. The name of Christ resolves disasters and breaks out the forces of Satan, and God comes upon you by the Holy Spirit through it. May you restore the mystery to overcome your field with the name of Christ.


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