2009년 11월 01일 "I Would Rather Die"
2009-11-03 00:00:00
조회수 1938
Introduction: Believers are bound to be successful and to receive blessings regardless of their good deeds or life background. It is because they are children of God. Just because of the fact that they are children of God, they have no choice but to receive blessings. However, many people out there are suffering from unavoidable spiritual problems, unsolvable conflicts, and hidden problems. They try to seek out solution from religions and do various activities, but problems are getting severe as time goes by, and even successful individuals can"t avoid sufferings coming from hidden conflicts. What is the reason for that? And what is the reason why even believers are living a difficult life under sufferings?
1. What is the most urgent thing in this world?
(1) The most overriding thing in this world is receiving salvation
1) You must change your identity first
2) It takes place by the grace of God
(2) What is the walk of faith?
1) It is enjoying the life of being a child of God in this world (Immanuel)
2) It is making people that you meet receive the same blessings that you receive. (evangelism)
(3) Paul"s confession
1) He confessed how happy it is to live for the sake of the Gospel
2) His only interest was in saving as many souls as possible.
2. What is salvation?
(1) It is your past problems being solved.
1) Parents" spiritual problems are similar to children"s
2) Salvation refers to the fact that problems coming from the Original sin, consequential sins, and ancestral sins are solved.
(2) It is your present problems being solved.
1) Satan is alive and working even now in your fields. (Jn.8:44, Jn.10:10, Ac.10:38)
2) Spiritual problems caused by Satan is solved. (Eph.2:2. Satan blocks people from the blessing of salvation)
3) God has given us the authority to overcome the power of Satan. (Mk.3:14-15, Mt.10:1, Lk.10:19)
(3) It is your future problems being solved.
1) God takes responsibility of your future and even of your future generation. (ph.1:6)
2) Everything takes place according to God"s time schedule.
3. Who is qualified to give us the blessing of salvation?
(1) He must be sinless (has no original sin) and must die on behalf of sinners (1Pe.3:18)
(2) He must be in flesh. (It is because human being is separated from God)
(3) He must die on the crosee and resurrect as God.
(4) He is the one who reigns over His churches and believers and will come down again as our Lord (1Th.4:16-17)
Conclusion: You who believe in God have no reason to be perished. It is not only that you live a life of being saved but also that everyone you meet will be saved and receive the same blessings that you have received. Paul lived his life in the Gospel and knew that there was no answer except the Gospel. May you put the desire of God into your mind and have the same thing that Paul had focused on (v.16).
1. What is the most urgent thing in this world?
(1) The most overriding thing in this world is receiving salvation
1) You must change your identity first
2) It takes place by the grace of God
(2) What is the walk of faith?
1) It is enjoying the life of being a child of God in this world (Immanuel)
2) It is making people that you meet receive the same blessings that you receive. (evangelism)
(3) Paul"s confession
1) He confessed how happy it is to live for the sake of the Gospel
2) His only interest was in saving as many souls as possible.
2. What is salvation?
(1) It is your past problems being solved.
1) Parents" spiritual problems are similar to children"s
2) Salvation refers to the fact that problems coming from the Original sin, consequential sins, and ancestral sins are solved.
(2) It is your present problems being solved.
1) Satan is alive and working even now in your fields. (Jn.8:44, Jn.10:10, Ac.10:38)
2) Spiritual problems caused by Satan is solved. (Eph.2:2. Satan blocks people from the blessing of salvation)
3) God has given us the authority to overcome the power of Satan. (Mk.3:14-15, Mt.10:1, Lk.10:19)
(3) It is your future problems being solved.
1) God takes responsibility of your future and even of your future generation. (ph.1:6)
2) Everything takes place according to God"s time schedule.
3. Who is qualified to give us the blessing of salvation?
(1) He must be sinless (has no original sin) and must die on behalf of sinners (1Pe.3:18)
(2) He must be in flesh. (It is because human being is separated from God)
(3) He must die on the crosee and resurrect as God.
(4) He is the one who reigns over His churches and believers and will come down again as our Lord (1Th.4:16-17)
Conclusion: You who believe in God have no reason to be perished. It is not only that you live a life of being saved but also that everyone you meet will be saved and receive the same blessings that you have received. Paul lived his life in the Gospel and knew that there was no answer except the Gospel. May you put the desire of God into your mind and have the same thing that Paul had focused on (v.16).