
2009년 11월 15일 "Running with A Goal"
2009-11-16 00:00:00
조회수   1762
Nov.15,2009 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Running with A Goal

Introduction: God has given us a certain goal that lasts forever. Even the laurel crown which is given to the winner in a marathon wont last, but God has given an eternal crown that lasts forever to the believers. We should restore thanksgiving while finding out this blessing. What is the certain goal that lasts forever?
1. The devotion for the Gospel movement is obviously a race that has a certain goal.
(1) Efforts inside the Gospel are never vain.
- No matter what devotion you make, if it is for the sake of the Gospel, there is a prize (1Cor.15:58). Even a small devotion for the sake of the Gospel is worth inheritance of Gods kingdom which has been prepared since the creation of the world (Mt.25:31-36). Every devotion for the sake of the Gospel is eternal and lasts forever.
(2) Only the Gospel movement is the truth and can solve the problems of curses and disasters.
1) Curses that a man who left God faces
- He rushes to destruction among disasters. (falling into destiny, idol worship, physical problems, mental problems, curses being passed down to the future generation, hell). Curses and disasters enter into individuals and societies; it will continually happen even in the future. (Mt.24-25, Rev.12:1-9)
2) The Gospel gives freedom to those who left God and fell into the middle of curses.(1Jn.3:8, Jn.14:6)
- As soon as you grab hold onto Jesus Christ, every problem of your life is solved(1Jn3:8, Jn14:6). Nothing except the Gospel can break down the power of Satan.
3) You should find out great blessings in the Gospel.
- God has called the believers as a royal priesthood (1Pe.2:9). The blessed work of the Gospel is continously taking place even now. (Ph.1:6) Problems in an individuals reality is a start and an opportunity to enjoy the Gospel. (Abraham)
2. The efforts for the sake of the evangelism movement are worth the prize from the heaven.
(1) The devotion for the sake of the evangelism movement is never vain.
- When you align your direction with evangleism/missions that God desires, God will fill your needs. (Mt.6:33). Everything in the world is moving centered on evangelism. (Mt.24:14). There is certainly a prize for every devotion that you make for evangelism. (Mt.10:42)
(2) Evangelism is the main ministry of God which is in Gods absolute sovereignty.
- God is the One who created the heaven and earth and controls over human life. He chooses and predestines those who are to be saved (Eph.1:3-5, Ac.13:48) We are just used for this work. God is the One who gives us faith. (1Cor.12:3). Jesus Christ is always with evangelists. (Mt.28:16-20)
(3) We must receive answers of lay leaders evangelism planning for the sake of the evangelism movement.
- Church lay leaders must understand inner-system of the church. Ministers must know the field well. Lay people must be a witness of the Word fulfillment in the field. Remnants must find out important answers in the field like the 7 Remnants in the Bible.
Conclusion: The Gospel movement and the evangelism movement are eternal. Theres no truth beside the Gospel, and theres nothing more urgent than evangelism. You must solve the problems of curses through the Gospel movement and save those who fell into spiritual problems in the field through evangelism movement. If you align your direction with this ministry, God will pour out important answers and blessings to you.


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