2009년 12월 06일 "God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them"
2009-12-24 00:00:00
조회수 1776
Dec.06,2009 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them
Introduction: Church is expressed as Ekklesia in the old testament and as he body of Christ, the bride of Christ, in the new testament. The Corinthian Church had received the complete blessing, but worldly problems such as quarrel caused by factionalism, lewd conduct, lawsuit in the court, and argument over apostle rights and service had been occurred. What is the most urgent thing for the Corinthian Church as well as churches in Korea and all over the world? You must have an answer to the question, What does God want you to do for the church as a part that forms the church that is the body of Christ?
1. You must properly understand and truly taste of the Gospel.
(1) Blessings that come from the Gospel.
1) The more you understand the Gospel the deeper you go into the indwelling, the guidance, and the work of the Holy Spirit.
2) The more church understands the Gospel the more blessing of a rock comes to you. (Mt.16:18)
(2) What is the Gospel?
1) Beginning of human being
① Every human being is placed in the midst of curses after falling into the Original sin. (Rom.3:23, 6:23)
② They become the children and slaves of the devil, and their final destination is hell. (Jn.8:44, Ps.51:5)
2) The life of a Gods child is placed within Gods eternal blessings.(Ps.37:28)
① God sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ in order to save us from being perished. (Jn.3:16. Rom.5:8)
② There is everything within the Gospel, and the heaven is guaranteed for us.
③ As soon as you believe in Christ, the authority to fulfill Gods plan (Conquest of the world) is given to you.(Jn.1:12)
(3) Find the Gospel in every problem and event. (Ph.1:6, God finished everything)
1) The blessing to conquer the world is hidden within problems, so you should find and enjoy the Gospel (Joseph - jealousy of Josephs brothers, going to jail after being falsely charged)
2) You should grab hold of the Gospel again to find greater blessings of God when you receive answers (Ac.19:21)
3) If you have problems, make all of them into the platform of blessings (Ph.4:6-7, God makes problems into blessings)
2. You can give true devotion only when you correctly understand and truly taste of the Gospel.
(1) Churches in Korea are struggling to evangelize, but they are wandering and evangelism is not taking place well.
(2) Correct understanding about evangelism
1) Evangelism is the eternal and unchanging goal that God has had age by age. (Ac.1:8)
2) The time schedule for individuals, families, and human history is within evangelism (Mt.24:14)
3) Evangelism is going into Gods absolute sovereignty (Ac.13:48, 16:14)
(3) You must understand disciple and enjoy the blessing of disciple. (Mt.28:18-20)
1) You should find disciples in and out of church as well as from invisible fields. (The reason for evangelism planning)
2) A disciple knows the power of God only, and makes every meeting that s/he attends take place.
Conclusion: What destroys churches that are not destroyable? They don know the true taste of the Gospel which is the truth, the true taste of evangelism which is the most urgent thing for churches, and don have answers about important disciples. God wants to form His church (His body) through us who are the parts of His body. For this to take place, may you correctly understand about the Gospel and evangelism.
God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them
Introduction: Church is expressed as Ekklesia in the old testament and as he body of Christ, the bride of Christ, in the new testament. The Corinthian Church had received the complete blessing, but worldly problems such as quarrel caused by factionalism, lewd conduct, lawsuit in the court, and argument over apostle rights and service had been occurred. What is the most urgent thing for the Corinthian Church as well as churches in Korea and all over the world? You must have an answer to the question, What does God want you to do for the church as a part that forms the church that is the body of Christ?
1. You must properly understand and truly taste of the Gospel.
(1) Blessings that come from the Gospel.
1) The more you understand the Gospel the deeper you go into the indwelling, the guidance, and the work of the Holy Spirit.
2) The more church understands the Gospel the more blessing of a rock comes to you. (Mt.16:18)
(2) What is the Gospel?
1) Beginning of human being
① Every human being is placed in the midst of curses after falling into the Original sin. (Rom.3:23, 6:23)
② They become the children and slaves of the devil, and their final destination is hell. (Jn.8:44, Ps.51:5)
2) The life of a Gods child is placed within Gods eternal blessings.(Ps.37:28)
① God sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ in order to save us from being perished. (Jn.3:16. Rom.5:8)
② There is everything within the Gospel, and the heaven is guaranteed for us.
③ As soon as you believe in Christ, the authority to fulfill Gods plan (Conquest of the world) is given to you.(Jn.1:12)
(3) Find the Gospel in every problem and event. (Ph.1:6, God finished everything)
1) The blessing to conquer the world is hidden within problems, so you should find and enjoy the Gospel (Joseph - jealousy of Josephs brothers, going to jail after being falsely charged)
2) You should grab hold of the Gospel again to find greater blessings of God when you receive answers (Ac.19:21)
3) If you have problems, make all of them into the platform of blessings (Ph.4:6-7, God makes problems into blessings)
2. You can give true devotion only when you correctly understand and truly taste of the Gospel.
(1) Churches in Korea are struggling to evangelize, but they are wandering and evangelism is not taking place well.
(2) Correct understanding about evangelism
1) Evangelism is the eternal and unchanging goal that God has had age by age. (Ac.1:8)
2) The time schedule for individuals, families, and human history is within evangelism (Mt.24:14)
3) Evangelism is going into Gods absolute sovereignty (Ac.13:48, 16:14)
(3) You must understand disciple and enjoy the blessing of disciple. (Mt.28:18-20)
1) You should find disciples in and out of church as well as from invisible fields. (The reason for evangelism planning)
2) A disciple knows the power of God only, and makes every meeting that s/he attends take place.
Conclusion: What destroys churches that are not destroyable? They don know the true taste of the Gospel which is the truth, the true taste of evangelism which is the most urgent thing for churches, and don have answers about important disciples. God wants to form His church (His body) through us who are the parts of His body. For this to take place, may you correctly understand about the Gospel and evangelism.