
2010년 01월 03일 "The new beginning for the age of the RUTC"
2010-01-04 00:00:00
조회수   1843
Jan.3,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
The new beginning for the age of the RUTC
(Acts 1:8)

Introduction: You are employed as a steward for the glory of God. (Ps.127:1). Everything you have is from God. The point is how should you manage everything to match with the plan and the will of God. (Lk.16:2). You should make a decision on that today; stewards Sunday. You must determine three things first in order to receive blessings.

1st decision: to succeed in the worship
1)The most important thing for the christian is the worship which gives the glory to God. (Ps.81:12-14)
2)You should get the strength through the worship to be victorious in your life during the week(It is deficient just with the sundays service)
2nd decision: to become an evangelist through the training
1)When you root down into the gospel through the training you will bear the fruit spontaneously. (training=answer)
2)The meeting for 7 golden sections of the field(Church)/ five trainings, the core meeting, the regional church meeting for lay believers(headquarters)
3rd decision: to grab the covenant of the offerings
1)God wants to bless us through our financial devotion. (1Ch.29:12, Php.4:19)
2)Tithes, offerings for missions, construction and the RUTC.

1.The new beginning for the age of the RUTC.
(1)RUTC(Remnant Unity Training Center): Remnants who will save this age form the oneness for the gospel and evangelism. (Remnants who have the mystery of the gospel, the prayer and evangelism are able to conquer the world)
(2)The new beginning: We must form the oneness from the child to the adult because it will not work out by one individuals effort.
2. The headquarters message.
(1)The past must be healed- In order to do a new thing
(2)The present must be healed- Make today the best it can be
(3)The future must be healed- If you make today the best it can be,
your future will be seen.
3. The message from our church.
(1) May we find every answer only in the Gospel. (Individual)
1) If you are truly happy only with gospel, your field will be revived.
2) Knowing and enjoying the gospel is the beginning of the life.
The past, the present and the future will be healed.
3) In order to enjoy the gospel, you should grab todays message, prayer, evangelism and get into the prayer slightly.
(2) May we raise disciples at 7 golden sections of the field through the church lay leaders evangelism planning.(Fields)
1) God gave us the evangelism field to experience the work of he only gospel.
2) Evangelism planning is to plan everything to the direction of evangelism.
(3) May we participate in the RUTC, OMC movements in order to raise our future generations as evangelism disciples.(Future Generations)
1) The core of the message God gave to Isaiah when the Israelites faced the most difficult hardships is the blessing of the future generations.
2) In the bible, God has given the remnants the most important blessings, God has absolutely blessed those who know the meaning and importance
of the remnant.

Conclusion: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.(Ac.1:8) How can you enjoy the blessing of he new beginning for the age of the RUTC? Each individual person has to gain the power of the filling in the Holy Spirit which the people in the world do not know. Jesus said this shortly before he ascended into heaven.


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