2010년 03월 28일"Teach us to number our days aright"
2010-03-29 00:00:00
조회수 1840
Mar.28,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Teach us to number our days aright
Introduction: Pastor Joo, Ki chul refused idol worship, keeping the faith and was imprisoned because he knew that we only have one life to live. His confession opened the door for the korean church to receive blessings. It is important how you live the sole life.(Heb.9:27) You should live your life with the wisdom to count the days like moses prayer.(Ps.90:12) The life on the earth is preparation for the kingdom of God because the true desire is in the kingdom of God. While living the limited life, for what should we stake our lives? There is something that has eternal value. Find out what is the most valuable and stake your life in it.
1.Make determination to live the life of evangelist
(1)The life of evangelist is eternal (Dan.12:3 shine like the stars)-blessing.
(2)You should understand what is evangelism first in order to receive answers as an evangelist
1)Evangelism is Gods everything (Jn.3:16, Mt.11;28-30, Mk.3:14, Mt.24:14, Ac.1:8,11)
2)All you need to do is to think of evangelism because God has put everything in evangelism (Mt.28:18-20, Mt.6:33)
3)If you pray for evangelism, the word of God will be fulfilled, prayer will be answered, the door for world evangelism will be open, holy spirit and heavenly army will be mobilized.
(3)The life of evangelist is to grab hold of the covenant that God has given and to get the strength everyday
1)The covenant given by God:
①Jesus became the christ to defeat the authority of satan, to forgive our sins, to show us the way to meet God, and to dwell with us by the holy spirit.
②From the moment you accepted the christ in your heart, the kingdom of God will be established in you and the field where you are.
③The holy spirit is with you and lead you eternally(you will become the main figure for the world evangelism)
2)The witnesses(Abraham, Jacob, 7 Remnants, evangelists of the age of the early church) who lived the life of evangelist (=the most blessed life)
2.Make determination to fight spiritual battles which can solve the spiritual problems
(1)God has called us as one who can fight a spiritual battle
1)The present state of the field: so many people in the world do not know the way to meet God. They are still in the original sin because of the forces of darkness.
they fall into idol worship. they ultimately face destruction even though they are successful. they go to church but fall into religious life because the church can give them the solution.
2)Give those who are suffering from spiritual problem the solution to a spiritual problem, change the field where there spiritual problems occur, fight a spiritual battle with the Gospel.
(2)The spiritual battle is to fight against satan(Mt.12:29, Eph.6:12, 1Pe.5:7-8)
1)All the blessings will be followed
2)Eternal fight, battle to fight with the name of the christ who already won a victory.
3.Make determination to stake your life for saving the future generations
(1)The most valuable thing before God is to raise our future generations as the Gospel Elite who have Gods desire in their heart
1)Don be caught by a problem, expect the new work of God, grab the covenant for our future generations. All the blessings, the future, and the mystery(to restore economy and culture of darkness) are hidden in this.(Isa.61:7-9)
2)Saving the future generations is the last word of Jesus right before he got crucified.(Lk.23:28)
3)Saving and raising the future generation will change the whole world.(Gen.37:11, Ex.2:1-10)
(2)Be a lifelong supporter for saving the future generations (1Sa.12:23)
1)There is hidden supporter in the background whenever the future generations rise
(Hannah→Samuel, Samuel→David)
2)We should make the system to save the future generations
(continuous economic support and prayer support)
3)Every member of the church should get together to save our future generations and God will be pleased (Hag.2:6-7)
Teach us to number our days aright
Introduction: Pastor Joo, Ki chul refused idol worship, keeping the faith and was imprisoned because he knew that we only have one life to live. His confession opened the door for the korean church to receive blessings. It is important how you live the sole life.(Heb.9:27) You should live your life with the wisdom to count the days like moses prayer.(Ps.90:12) The life on the earth is preparation for the kingdom of God because the true desire is in the kingdom of God. While living the limited life, for what should we stake our lives? There is something that has eternal value. Find out what is the most valuable and stake your life in it.
1.Make determination to live the life of evangelist
(1)The life of evangelist is eternal (Dan.12:3 shine like the stars)-blessing.
(2)You should understand what is evangelism first in order to receive answers as an evangelist
1)Evangelism is Gods everything (Jn.3:16, Mt.11;28-30, Mk.3:14, Mt.24:14, Ac.1:8,11)
2)All you need to do is to think of evangelism because God has put everything in evangelism (Mt.28:18-20, Mt.6:33)
3)If you pray for evangelism, the word of God will be fulfilled, prayer will be answered, the door for world evangelism will be open, holy spirit and heavenly army will be mobilized.
(3)The life of evangelist is to grab hold of the covenant that God has given and to get the strength everyday
1)The covenant given by God:
①Jesus became the christ to defeat the authority of satan, to forgive our sins, to show us the way to meet God, and to dwell with us by the holy spirit.
②From the moment you accepted the christ in your heart, the kingdom of God will be established in you and the field where you are.
③The holy spirit is with you and lead you eternally(you will become the main figure for the world evangelism)
2)The witnesses(Abraham, Jacob, 7 Remnants, evangelists of the age of the early church) who lived the life of evangelist (=the most blessed life)
2.Make determination to fight spiritual battles which can solve the spiritual problems
(1)God has called us as one who can fight a spiritual battle
1)The present state of the field: so many people in the world do not know the way to meet God. They are still in the original sin because of the forces of darkness.
they fall into idol worship. they ultimately face destruction even though they are successful. they go to church but fall into religious life because the church can give them the solution.
2)Give those who are suffering from spiritual problem the solution to a spiritual problem, change the field where there spiritual problems occur, fight a spiritual battle with the Gospel.
(2)The spiritual battle is to fight against satan(Mt.12:29, Eph.6:12, 1Pe.5:7-8)
1)All the blessings will be followed
2)Eternal fight, battle to fight with the name of the christ who already won a victory.
3.Make determination to stake your life for saving the future generations
(1)The most valuable thing before God is to raise our future generations as the Gospel Elite who have Gods desire in their heart
1)Don be caught by a problem, expect the new work of God, grab the covenant for our future generations. All the blessings, the future, and the mystery(to restore economy and culture of darkness) are hidden in this.(Isa.61:7-9)
2)Saving the future generations is the last word of Jesus right before he got crucified.(Lk.23:28)
3)Saving and raising the future generation will change the whole world.(Gen.37:11, Ex.2:1-10)
(2)Be a lifelong supporter for saving the future generations (1Sa.12:23)
1)There is hidden supporter in the background whenever the future generations rise
(Hannah→Samuel, Samuel→David)
2)We should make the system to save the future generations
(continuous economic support and prayer support)
3)Every member of the church should get together to save our future generations and God will be pleased (Hag.2:6-7)