2010년 06월 13일 "I have overcome the world"
2010-06-16 00:00:00
조회수 1754
June.13,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
I have overcome the world
Introduction: Gods direction has been shown to this world in the center of words accomplishment, answers of prayers and the history of salvation(evangelism). So we must find how Gods word and I are related and accomplished wherever we ,believers, go. Also, we as believers must have the secret of prayers. In turn, we will get the answer that we become the witnesses of God. However, so many people continued their walk of faith without any interests in His words, prayers and evangelism which are very important. We have three things to do in order to enjoy blessings of words, prayers, and evangelism in the field.
1.Three things that must be done
(1)The answer an individual must receive everyday - Personalization
1)Words, prayers, and evangelism achieved through scheduled prayer
①This can be done by even one person who truly receives answers in the field and through whom the great doors of evangelism are to open.
②One must receive the answer of personalization first and can save others(Ac.3:6)
2)When looking at problems and the past, we must see the fact to turn those problems into the platform and get the power (Joseph and Moses saw the fact)
(2)Discipleization - Evangelism, Evangelical camp
1)The more we enjoy the personalization of words, prayer, and evangelism, the more disciples we can make in the field.
2)We must enjoy the answer of discipleization through evangelism and evangelical camp.
(3)Globalization - Lay leaders, Remnants
1)Lay leaders and remnants arise themselves in the field as a result of the answer in personalization and discipleization.
①When lay leaders and remnant stand up, words movement, prayer movement, and evangelism movement will be followed.
②If none of these happens, world evangelization can not be expected.
2)Religious workers are the first people who enjoy this answer.
3)The application of globalization - Hana Remnant Conference
2.Unget matters that needs personalization- the recovery of spiritual power(Jn.16:33)
(1)Spiritual powers are needed more when we see the world
(2)Spiritual powers are given to overcome the world through the power of Jesus Christ(power)
1)Jesus knew the field accurately and filled us with the holy spirit and let us receive the power of Spirit(Ac.1:8)
2)Satans act as if they were the king in the field that is separated from God
(3)Spiritual facts have been avoided in the church history.
1)The spiritual facts about ,angels and satans have disappeared from the church as time goes by.
2)We must save people who are in darkness by using this spiritual power and use it when it comes to doing businesses and studying.
Conclusion: What do I possess? According to what we possess, we see, speak and act, which will determine our destination and future. Put words, prayers and evangelism in mind and in the center of the life. Especially keep these in mind ;todays words, todays prayer, and todays evangelism. Please do forums of words prayers, and evangelism silently and quietly at home.
I have overcome the world
Introduction: Gods direction has been shown to this world in the center of words accomplishment, answers of prayers and the history of salvation(evangelism). So we must find how Gods word and I are related and accomplished wherever we ,believers, go. Also, we as believers must have the secret of prayers. In turn, we will get the answer that we become the witnesses of God. However, so many people continued their walk of faith without any interests in His words, prayers and evangelism which are very important. We have three things to do in order to enjoy blessings of words, prayers, and evangelism in the field.
1.Three things that must be done
(1)The answer an individual must receive everyday - Personalization
1)Words, prayers, and evangelism achieved through scheduled prayer
①This can be done by even one person who truly receives answers in the field and through whom the great doors of evangelism are to open.
②One must receive the answer of personalization first and can save others(Ac.3:6)
2)When looking at problems and the past, we must see the fact to turn those problems into the platform and get the power (Joseph and Moses saw the fact)
(2)Discipleization - Evangelism, Evangelical camp
1)The more we enjoy the personalization of words, prayer, and evangelism, the more disciples we can make in the field.
2)We must enjoy the answer of discipleization through evangelism and evangelical camp.
(3)Globalization - Lay leaders, Remnants
1)Lay leaders and remnants arise themselves in the field as a result of the answer in personalization and discipleization.
①When lay leaders and remnant stand up, words movement, prayer movement, and evangelism movement will be followed.
②If none of these happens, world evangelization can not be expected.
2)Religious workers are the first people who enjoy this answer.
3)The application of globalization - Hana Remnant Conference
2.Unget matters that needs personalization- the recovery of spiritual power(Jn.16:33)
(1)Spiritual powers are needed more when we see the world
(2)Spiritual powers are given to overcome the world through the power of Jesus Christ(power)
1)Jesus knew the field accurately and filled us with the holy spirit and let us receive the power of Spirit(Ac.1:8)
2)Satans act as if they were the king in the field that is separated from God
(3)Spiritual facts have been avoided in the church history.
1)The spiritual facts about ,angels and satans have disappeared from the church as time goes by.
2)We must save people who are in darkness by using this spiritual power and use it when it comes to doing businesses and studying.
Conclusion: What do I possess? According to what we possess, we see, speak and act, which will determine our destination and future. Put words, prayers and evangelism in mind and in the center of the life. Especially keep these in mind ;todays words, todays prayer, and todays evangelism. Please do forums of words prayers, and evangelism silently and quietly at home.