
2010년 07월 25일 "The secret of Remnant who conquered the world"
2010-07-28 00:00:00
조회수   1600
July.25,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
The secret of Remnant who conquered the world

Introduction: In todays scripture, Daniel and his three friends were being forced to worship the image of gold made by king Nebuchadenezzar. The satan makes us kneel down before the world and worship idols. This is the field of the present now. Our children and we are facing the same request as Daniel and his three friends did in the field. As some astrologers denounced Daniels three friends, the history of unbelief by the satan keeps attacking us. What kind of secret did Daniels three friends hold while fighting in their field?
The first thing we must remember is that God gave us the gospel and promised whoever knows the gospel, he can get the salvation. Otherwise, there will be destruction. The israel, the people of God, were ruined perfectly because not knowing this covenant and led to being under captivity in Babylon. God continued his history of covenant through Daniel by calling Daniel and his three friends as he remnant. God has called us the 8th remnant to accomplish the history of his covenant that He has never suspended.

1.They had the standard of absolutely faith(v.16)
(1)The confession of Daniels three friends: Worship God only going against the request of idol worship
(2)Satans always try to make us doubt Gods sovereignty and the uniqueness of gospel
1)Catholicism conciliated Luther who raised the movement of the Reformation
2)Post-modernism claimed that there is nothing absolute from the 19th century
(3)The gospel is fundamentally absolute value and standard on the earth
1)Absolute problems: being separated from God, fell in sin, serving as satans slaves, destroyed in disaster and pain, and handing over these problems to the next generation
2)God sent us Jesus Christ to solve these problems that Human beings could not solve(Ac.4:12, Ro.8:2, Col.2:2-3)

2.They had the secret that God is always with them practically(v.17)
(1)The confession of Daniels three friends: God is always with us and leads us to the power of creation.
(2)Even though the people of covenant are spiritless, God holds and guides them so that He can give blessings to them

3.They had the secret that they lived because of the gospel(v.18)
(1)The confession of Daniels three friends: If the matter of living and dying has nothing to do with witnessing the Christ, the life is meaningless
(2)The purpose of remnants is in the evangelism to show the grace of God

Conclusion: Satans never let remnants rest. They shake the faith of absolute Christ and plant the root of unbelief against the guidance of God, making us lose the meaning and purpose of life but wander. We must stand against the satans test holding todays words, prayer, and evangelism. God called us for the blessed history. The filling of Holy Spirit is needed first for the evangelism, mission, and world evnagelization. You are the 8th remnants who are to be used for the world evangelization by Gods hand.


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