2010년 08월 01일"God reigns over all the inhabitants of the earth"
2010-08-04 00:00:00
조회수 1624
August.01,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
God reigns over all the inhabitants of the earth
Introduction: In Daniel chapter1, Daniel and his three friends resolved not to defile themselves. They saw God's plan toward this earth and the reason why God raised them up in Babylon. When king Nebuchadnezzar was impatient with interpreting his dream in chapter 2, Daniel showed his inner peace while enjoying the secret that God is with him, and chapter 3 also says the same thing. Even though the king threatened them to worship the image of gold, otherwise they would be thrown into a blazing furnace, Daniel and his three friends never gave in with the inner peace that unbelievers never know. When we enjoy the secret that God is with us, these works certainly happen to us. When we are healed by the strength of prayer, we are to get answers. As God can throne or dethrone kings, so he can control anyone's success and failure.
1.Daniel's royal role
(1)Even though the king of Babylon was Nebuchadnezzar, the role of royalty was done by Daniel
(2)We must not waste our time but enjoy today's words, prayer, and evangelism
1)It is important for the people in the world to have their position and post but for remnants, the words, prayers, and evangelism are more important than any other thing in the field
2)Even though remnants have not found their purpose and vision yet, God will lead them to the right position that needs answers as long as the remnants enjoy holding his words, prayer, and evangelism in the fields.
3)No matter what happens to the remnant, they are connected to the world evangelization with his covenants in their hands.
2.Strategies of satan toward this era
(1)There is only God who is most holy and high
(2)Satans keep planting his real nature and thoughts that they want to be like God in human's mind(Isa.14:12-14)
1)The satan made king Nebuchadnezzar so proud of himself that the king deificated himself
2)Satans made men self-centered through worshiping idols(Ex.20:4, 2Ti.3:1, New age)
3)Satans mislead men not to know the real nature of human(human's nature- the creature that God made in his own image)
(3)The only way that can help us have victory over this field is to raise up the next generation to know the Christ(2Co.10:5)
Conclusion: The problems we have and the field we are involved with are the timetable for us. We must enjoy this timetable while holding words, prayers, and evangelism. Then, God will lead us to the great answers. We call it great success. Our next generation and we are standing in the field that is full of the strategies of satan. Next generation must grow up to be the one who knows the secret of Christ and defeats their strategies. May the same blessing as Daniel got from the Lord come upon our remnants.
God reigns over all the inhabitants of the earth
Introduction: In Daniel chapter1, Daniel and his three friends resolved not to defile themselves. They saw God's plan toward this earth and the reason why God raised them up in Babylon. When king Nebuchadnezzar was impatient with interpreting his dream in chapter 2, Daniel showed his inner peace while enjoying the secret that God is with him, and chapter 3 also says the same thing. Even though the king threatened them to worship the image of gold, otherwise they would be thrown into a blazing furnace, Daniel and his three friends never gave in with the inner peace that unbelievers never know. When we enjoy the secret that God is with us, these works certainly happen to us. When we are healed by the strength of prayer, we are to get answers. As God can throne or dethrone kings, so he can control anyone's success and failure.
1.Daniel's royal role
(1)Even though the king of Babylon was Nebuchadnezzar, the role of royalty was done by Daniel
(2)We must not waste our time but enjoy today's words, prayer, and evangelism
1)It is important for the people in the world to have their position and post but for remnants, the words, prayers, and evangelism are more important than any other thing in the field
2)Even though remnants have not found their purpose and vision yet, God will lead them to the right position that needs answers as long as the remnants enjoy holding his words, prayer, and evangelism in the fields.
3)No matter what happens to the remnant, they are connected to the world evangelization with his covenants in their hands.
2.Strategies of satan toward this era
(1)There is only God who is most holy and high
(2)Satans keep planting his real nature and thoughts that they want to be like God in human's mind(Isa.14:12-14)
1)The satan made king Nebuchadnezzar so proud of himself that the king deificated himself
2)Satans made men self-centered through worshiping idols(Ex.20:4, 2Ti.3:1, New age)
3)Satans mislead men not to know the real nature of human(human's nature- the creature that God made in his own image)
(3)The only way that can help us have victory over this field is to raise up the next generation to know the Christ(2Co.10:5)
Conclusion: The problems we have and the field we are involved with are the timetable for us. We must enjoy this timetable while holding words, prayers, and evangelism. Then, God will lead us to the great answers. We call it great success. Our next generation and we are standing in the field that is full of the strategies of satan. Next generation must grow up to be the one who knows the secret of Christ and defeats their strategies. May the same blessing as Daniel got from the Lord come upon our remnants.