2010년 08월 22일 "His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom"
2010-08-25 00:00:00
조회수 1547
August.22,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom
Introduction: Todays message is about the vision Daniel saw in his dream. It showed Gods work that must be accomplished in the near future
1.God stands behind all history
(1)We must have the eyes open to see the world correctly
1)As we open the eyes to the secret of blessings in Christ, so we do to the world
2)Three reasons for the failure of the world
①The unbelief that is separated from God
②Due to sin, curses keep coming and the world goes to hell in the end
③The curse of satan
3)The difference between the eyes of believers and those of unbelievers toward the world
①King Nebuchadnezzar-the world is like a large statue, an enormous, dazzling statue (Da.2)
②Remnant Daniel-the world is like the same level as beasts
(2)Our eyes must be open to the fact that God is in charge of our lives
1)The reason why we must not have despair but hope and desire in the world-Jesus Christ, the son of man(v.13-14)
①The son of man is the one who came to the earth as God(Jn.3:13)
②The son of man is our Redeemer who died for us on the cross(Jn.3:14)
③The son of man is given the authority of judgement(Jn.5:25-27)
2)His everlasting kingdom that Christ governs becomes our background which never be destroyed(v.18, Mt.12:28)
2.The way we can enjoy the kingdom of God
(1)We must enter the life of evangelists
1)For the one who is living a life of evangelist, the Lord is with him always to the very end of the age and also his spiritual problem will be solved
2)Three things that we must put into practice
①Todays evangelism-after organizing the schedule for tomorrow, how can we connect it with evangelism?
②Todays word-how can the message from church be applied to our field ?
③Todays prayer-what must we pray for? how can we be guided to the center of evangelism?
3)Four answers following after these practices
①My life is changed
②It can have an effect on the world
③From that point, my talent will be getting meaningful
④My work and financial situation will be recovered by Gods blessing
(2)The most invaluable gift from God is gospel, God desires us to enjoy spread it(evangelism)
Conclusion: We must make a little effort to live a life of evangelist. Everlasting blessings of Gods kingdom will come upon each one of us. We must restore this history. But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever-yes, for ever and ever.(Da.7:18)
His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom
Introduction: Todays message is about the vision Daniel saw in his dream. It showed Gods work that must be accomplished in the near future
1.God stands behind all history
(1)We must have the eyes open to see the world correctly
1)As we open the eyes to the secret of blessings in Christ, so we do to the world
2)Three reasons for the failure of the world
①The unbelief that is separated from God
②Due to sin, curses keep coming and the world goes to hell in the end
③The curse of satan
3)The difference between the eyes of believers and those of unbelievers toward the world
①King Nebuchadnezzar-the world is like a large statue, an enormous, dazzling statue (Da.2)
②Remnant Daniel-the world is like the same level as beasts
(2)Our eyes must be open to the fact that God is in charge of our lives
1)The reason why we must not have despair but hope and desire in the world-Jesus Christ, the son of man(v.13-14)
①The son of man is the one who came to the earth as God(Jn.3:13)
②The son of man is our Redeemer who died for us on the cross(Jn.3:14)
③The son of man is given the authority of judgement(Jn.5:25-27)
2)His everlasting kingdom that Christ governs becomes our background which never be destroyed(v.18, Mt.12:28)
2.The way we can enjoy the kingdom of God
(1)We must enter the life of evangelists
1)For the one who is living a life of evangelist, the Lord is with him always to the very end of the age and also his spiritual problem will be solved
2)Three things that we must put into practice
①Todays evangelism-after organizing the schedule for tomorrow, how can we connect it with evangelism?
②Todays word-how can the message from church be applied to our field ?
③Todays prayer-what must we pray for? how can we be guided to the center of evangelism?
3)Four answers following after these practices
①My life is changed
②It can have an effect on the world
③From that point, my talent will be getting meaningful
④My work and financial situation will be recovered by Gods blessing
(2)The most invaluable gift from God is gospel, God desires us to enjoy spread it(evangelism)
Conclusion: We must make a little effort to live a life of evangelist. Everlasting blessings of Gods kingdom will come upon each one of us. We must restore this history. But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever-yes, for ever and ever.(Da.7:18)