
2010년 08월 29일 "The wealth of flesh and eternal prosperity"
2010-09-01 00:00:00
조회수   1508
August.29,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
The wealth of flesh and eternal prosperity

Introduction: Chapter Daniel tells us about Gods sovereignty. The wealth of flesh on this earth cannot be eternal prosperity. I want you to have your spiritual eyes open to what Gods blessings are. There are the two most important things to know in order to get true answers through the life of evangelists.

1.God perfectly knows the history
(1)God has given us the message which is timeless through the Bible
1)God revealed the history of the world to foreigners, too
2)We must see not only the present and the past but also eternal future through the Bible
(2)God also knows each personal history perfectly
1)We must keep convincing the fact that God is with us in every event occurring to us
2)Eternal prosperity is in Christ(Mt.16:18-19. the success and wealth out of the hands of Christ are to be destroyed)

2.Gods prophecies will certainly come true
(1)God protects His people and definitely leads them towards victory
1)The time is coming that Gods words will come true (v.17, 18, 26)
2)There will be the time of chaos and persecution but God will let His people win, guard and protect them
3)God gave the status and authority that will conquer pressures and difficulties to those who are in Christ
(2)Gods words must be taken sincerely like Daniel and must be the center of our hearts
(3)We must get into the life of evangelists(Mt.28:20)
1)Pastors must find the field where Gods work is seen
2)Lay leaders must connect every experience of life with evangelism movement
3)Lay people must see Gods work in the place where they are living and in the field where they are working
4)Remnants must leave their work in the time schedule (making their skills and major the best)
5)Assistant pastors must analyze the whole to develop their departments

Conclusion: Daniel lived a life of evangelists to hold Gods covenant in the midst of difficulties. When we enter the life of evangelists holding Gods promises, God will give us blessings to save this era through us like God did through Daniel. Eternal prosperity will come to us when we enter the life of evangelists in Christ.


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