2010년 10월 24일 "I am who I am"
2010-10-28 00:00:00
조회수 1503
October.24,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
I am who I am
Introduction: We must experience the life of the evangelists. Every blessing is prepared in Him.(Mt.6:33) If we do not experience the life of the evangelists, churches will have difficulties, elders will end up being looker-ons and may lose their blessings, and lay people will wander around and have no choice but to fail because of their spiritual problems. The true happiness comes out of the life of the evangelists. Priscilla found the fact that the life of the evangelists is happy enough to risk their lives.
1.I am who I am - who is God?
(1)People must meet God(the principle of creation)
1)God as a creator created each creature with its plan and purpose
2)Every human glorifies only God and is created to enjoy Gods blessings
①Human got separated from God(Ge.3:1-6) and fell into sin(Ro.1:23), and got captured by satan(Jn.8:44)
②The life separated from God fell into religions and idol worship, and faced disasters and curses(Ro.1:21-25)
(2)Who is God?
1)The spirit
①God is the spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth(Jn.4:24)
②God is omnipresent because he is not controlled by anything
①Everything on this earth including lives has thier limit(Isa.40:30) but God is the infinite.
②The life must get the power from infinite God (Isa.40:31)
3)Eternity and immortality
①God is eternal and immortal. He answers our prayers and gives words, and accomplish his work(v.15)
②No matter what mistake we make, God does not extinguish the work of salvation and has saved the chosen people.
(3)By believing Jesus Christ, we can meet and enjoy God
1)God opens the way to Him for the sinners through Christ
2)Christ solves problem from sins and satan(Mk.10:45, 1Jn.3:8) and Holy Spirit is in our mind(1Co.3:16)
2.Gods great concern(v.17)
(1)God leads us from Egypt to Canaan
(2)The secret by which we have blessings is to focus on evangelism and mission, and world evangelization
1)Evangelism, mission, and world evangelization are Gods best concerns(Lk.15:7, 1Th.2:19)
2)Start living the life of the evangelists
①A true Conversation with God(prayers)
②Holding pulpits message(words)
③Going to all who were appointed for salvation(Ac.13:48) in every meeting(evangelism)
Conclusion: Lay people must get into the life of the evangelists and witness the work of God in this historical and eternal blessing. We can make church refresh Gods mind and all of us can enjoy valuable answers from Romans 16.
I am who I am
Introduction: We must experience the life of the evangelists. Every blessing is prepared in Him.(Mt.6:33) If we do not experience the life of the evangelists, churches will have difficulties, elders will end up being looker-ons and may lose their blessings, and lay people will wander around and have no choice but to fail because of their spiritual problems. The true happiness comes out of the life of the evangelists. Priscilla found the fact that the life of the evangelists is happy enough to risk their lives.
1.I am who I am - who is God?
(1)People must meet God(the principle of creation)
1)God as a creator created each creature with its plan and purpose
2)Every human glorifies only God and is created to enjoy Gods blessings
①Human got separated from God(Ge.3:1-6) and fell into sin(Ro.1:23), and got captured by satan(Jn.8:44)
②The life separated from God fell into religions and idol worship, and faced disasters and curses(Ro.1:21-25)
(2)Who is God?
1)The spirit
①God is the spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth(Jn.4:24)
②God is omnipresent because he is not controlled by anything
①Everything on this earth including lives has thier limit(Isa.40:30) but God is the infinite.
②The life must get the power from infinite God (Isa.40:31)
3)Eternity and immortality
①God is eternal and immortal. He answers our prayers and gives words, and accomplish his work(v.15)
②No matter what mistake we make, God does not extinguish the work of salvation and has saved the chosen people.
(3)By believing Jesus Christ, we can meet and enjoy God
1)God opens the way to Him for the sinners through Christ
2)Christ solves problem from sins and satan(Mk.10:45, 1Jn.3:8) and Holy Spirit is in our mind(1Co.3:16)
2.Gods great concern(v.17)
(1)God leads us from Egypt to Canaan
(2)The secret by which we have blessings is to focus on evangelism and mission, and world evangelization
1)Evangelism, mission, and world evangelization are Gods best concerns(Lk.15:7, 1Th.2:19)
2)Start living the life of the evangelists
①A true Conversation with God(prayers)
②Holding pulpits message(words)
③Going to all who were appointed for salvation(Ac.13:48) in every meeting(evangelism)
Conclusion: Lay people must get into the life of the evangelists and witness the work of God in this historical and eternal blessing. We can make church refresh Gods mind and all of us can enjoy valuable answers from Romans 16.