2010년 12월 5일 "To offer sacrifices to the Lord our God"
2010-12-10 00:00:00
조회수 1477
December.5,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
To offer sacrifices to the Lord our God
Introduction: God made a clear conclusion for us in Exodus Chapter 5 . It is strange why God keeps giving his people difficulties and problems? God commanded Israeli to go out of Egypt but made king Pharaohs mind hardened so that the people had difficulty coming out of Egypt.(Ex.4:21, 9:12). The reason is that God wants us to grab a hold of sacrifices only. The moment we accept Jesus Christ, we enter Gods sovereignty. Every problem and accident result from answers under Gods sovereignty(Ph.1:6). If we are the children of God and the one who will live the life of evangelist, God gave us problems and accidents in which we could receive the answer and recover spiritual authority; therefore, we will be the one who can work for the worlds evangelization under any kinds of circumstances and conditions. The only problems that His people would face is Gods purpose that will make us look up to Christ.
1.The secret of sacrifices that God will answer the one who live the life of evangelists
(1)The secret of sacrifices: Only the authority of the blood from Jesus Christ can break down the forces of satan
1)The life cannot overcome the forces of satan
2)The authority of blood as sacrifices, that is, the name of Jesus only can break down the forces of satan
3)Not to forget this secret at all, God let the israeli have such a hardship
4)To help the descendance remember this secret after Exodus , God commanded us to make seasons and keep them forever
5)Jesus rejoiced very much as it was confessed that Jesus is Christ and Gods son(Mt.16:13-20)
(2)While those who had a salvation are living on this earth, the door of answers will open in the name of Jesus
1)Only Christ can solve the problems in this world
2)Hence, God sent us Christ to prevent us from problems of destiny and disaster and to save us from the work of satan
3)God leads the saved to live the life of evangelist and hold Christ firmly
4)As long as we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the forces of darkness in our homes and regional fields will be destroyed
2.The work of satan that keeps us from the life of evangelist
(1)There are people who do not understand the secret of sacrifices
1)King Pharaoh was not aware of the Lord and regarded Moses and Aarons words as a lie(v.2, 8, 17)
2)There are some people like Pharaoh in church and the more intelligent they are, the more they say foolish words(1Co.1:18, Ps.14:1)
(2)The life of evangelist - the life enjoying the authority in the name of Christ
1)Salvation is given in the name of Christ(Ph.1:28)
2)Every door of answers will be opened in the name of Christ
3)The answers in Christ are the true success which never fall down
Conclusion: The world is getting more and more difficult. By the time Remnants go into society, it will have been more difficult. There will be no success unless we know the secret of Christ. God called us first to convey this covenant to Remnants. We must live the life of evangelists, tasting the imperishable success, studying and working in the power of Christ.
To offer sacrifices to the Lord our God
Introduction: God made a clear conclusion for us in Exodus Chapter 5 . It is strange why God keeps giving his people difficulties and problems? God commanded Israeli to go out of Egypt but made king Pharaohs mind hardened so that the people had difficulty coming out of Egypt.(Ex.4:21, 9:12). The reason is that God wants us to grab a hold of sacrifices only. The moment we accept Jesus Christ, we enter Gods sovereignty. Every problem and accident result from answers under Gods sovereignty(Ph.1:6). If we are the children of God and the one who will live the life of evangelist, God gave us problems and accidents in which we could receive the answer and recover spiritual authority; therefore, we will be the one who can work for the worlds evangelization under any kinds of circumstances and conditions. The only problems that His people would face is Gods purpose that will make us look up to Christ.
1.The secret of sacrifices that God will answer the one who live the life of evangelists
(1)The secret of sacrifices: Only the authority of the blood from Jesus Christ can break down the forces of satan
1)The life cannot overcome the forces of satan
2)The authority of blood as sacrifices, that is, the name of Jesus only can break down the forces of satan
3)Not to forget this secret at all, God let the israeli have such a hardship
4)To help the descendance remember this secret after Exodus , God commanded us to make seasons and keep them forever
5)Jesus rejoiced very much as it was confessed that Jesus is Christ and Gods son(Mt.16:13-20)
(2)While those who had a salvation are living on this earth, the door of answers will open in the name of Jesus
1)Only Christ can solve the problems in this world
2)Hence, God sent us Christ to prevent us from problems of destiny and disaster and to save us from the work of satan
3)God leads the saved to live the life of evangelist and hold Christ firmly
4)As long as we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the forces of darkness in our homes and regional fields will be destroyed
2.The work of satan that keeps us from the life of evangelist
(1)There are people who do not understand the secret of sacrifices
1)King Pharaoh was not aware of the Lord and regarded Moses and Aarons words as a lie(v.2, 8, 17)
2)There are some people like Pharaoh in church and the more intelligent they are, the more they say foolish words(1Co.1:18, Ps.14:1)
(2)The life of evangelist - the life enjoying the authority in the name of Christ
1)Salvation is given in the name of Christ(Ph.1:28)
2)Every door of answers will be opened in the name of Christ
3)The answers in Christ are the true success which never fall down
Conclusion: The world is getting more and more difficult. By the time Remnants go into society, it will have been more difficult. There will be no success unless we know the secret of Christ. God called us first to convey this covenant to Remnants. We must live the life of evangelists, tasting the imperishable success, studying and working in the power of Christ.