2011년 3월 6일 "A kingdom of priests and a holy nation"
2011-03-08 00:00:00
조회수 1396
March.06,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
A kingdom of priests and a holy nation
Introduction: We do not call the way of living nicely, honestly, and faithfully is the way lay people should follow. This is just a rule or social convention of life both believers and unbelievers must keep in mind. There is a certain way of christian life. We must know the status of our own such as (1)who I am (2) and what I possess. (3)When we know the answers for those, we can get answers about how we should live.
The scripture for today explains what blessings the saved were given. The life of an truly evangelist without any temptation from satan means enjoying Gods blessings properly. There are two things to enjoy the work of these blessings.
1.Restore our status first(v.3)
(1)whenever Israeli faced crises, God said to restore their status.
1)I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery(Ex.20:2).
2)O Jacob, O Israel(Isa.40:27. God changed the name Jacob for the name Israel)
(2)The true blessing comes out of the status.
1)Uncle Laban always deceived Jacob but Jacob made his big fortune and left his uncle.
2)The reason why Jacob had no choice but get blessings is because he did not lose Canaans covenant, Christ.
(3)The blessings God gave us:
1)Whenever we pray, Holy Spirit works for every field we are related to.
2)When we praise, the forces of darkness will be trembled and spiritual work arises so that blessings from the kingdom of God come upon us.
3)God gives us words and leads us, grants us spiritual power and heals our soul and flesh.
(4)In order to give these blessings, God carried us on eagles wings and brought us to Himself(v.4).
1)Every life is in the middle of spiritual problem(Genesis 3s problem).
2)God sent us Christ to solve these problems.
3)God has sent Holy Spirit into us and protected our every step.
2.How did we get such a big blessing, salvation?(v.6)
(1)It is Because of commission
1)We are called to become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation and save the other people(v.6)
2)Christ came to this earth as a king and made us His people(Lk.1:30-33, 3:21-22, Rev.1:5-6)
(2)The one who received Christ was given the blessing as a chosen king, a priest, and a prophet(1Pe.2:9)
1)Whenever we meet people, we must encourage them
2)and save them and take them out of idol worship with these rights and blessings.
Conclusion: We must not be deceived by satan, but keep the status that we are a kingdom of priests and a holy nation so that we can save people in the field.
A kingdom of priests and a holy nation
Introduction: We do not call the way of living nicely, honestly, and faithfully is the way lay people should follow. This is just a rule or social convention of life both believers and unbelievers must keep in mind. There is a certain way of christian life. We must know the status of our own such as (1)who I am (2) and what I possess. (3)When we know the answers for those, we can get answers about how we should live.
The scripture for today explains what blessings the saved were given. The life of an truly evangelist without any temptation from satan means enjoying Gods blessings properly. There are two things to enjoy the work of these blessings.
1.Restore our status first(v.3)
(1)whenever Israeli faced crises, God said to restore their status.
1)I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery(Ex.20:2).
2)O Jacob, O Israel(Isa.40:27. God changed the name Jacob for the name Israel)
(2)The true blessing comes out of the status.
1)Uncle Laban always deceived Jacob but Jacob made his big fortune and left his uncle.
2)The reason why Jacob had no choice but get blessings is because he did not lose Canaans covenant, Christ.
(3)The blessings God gave us:
1)Whenever we pray, Holy Spirit works for every field we are related to.
2)When we praise, the forces of darkness will be trembled and spiritual work arises so that blessings from the kingdom of God come upon us.
3)God gives us words and leads us, grants us spiritual power and heals our soul and flesh.
(4)In order to give these blessings, God carried us on eagles wings and brought us to Himself(v.4).
1)Every life is in the middle of spiritual problem(Genesis 3s problem).
2)God sent us Christ to solve these problems.
3)God has sent Holy Spirit into us and protected our every step.
2.How did we get such a big blessing, salvation?(v.6)
(1)It is Because of commission
1)We are called to become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation and save the other people(v.6)
2)Christ came to this earth as a king and made us His people(Lk.1:30-33, 3:21-22, Rev.1:5-6)
(2)The one who received Christ was given the blessing as a chosen king, a priest, and a prophet(1Pe.2:9)
1)Whenever we meet people, we must encourage them
2)and save them and take them out of idol worship with these rights and blessings.
Conclusion: We must not be deceived by satan, but keep the status that we are a kingdom of priests and a holy nation so that we can save people in the field.