2011년 3월 20일 "You shall have no other gods before me"
2011-03-24 00:00:00
조회수 1527
March.20,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong
You shall have no other gods before me
Introduction: God has blessed lay people(Ge.1:27-28, Ge.12:1-3, Dt.28:1, 19). Why do we have no power even though we have tremendous blessings from God? Why do we have no power but fail? It is because we do not care about the fact that satan has been working on this earth until the end(Mt.25:41). Todays message reminds us that there are other gods so we should not let them control us(v.3).
God has given His children this message, knowing God(1-4 commandment) and the world(5-10 commandment). It is the ten commandments. The fundamental purpose of the commandment is to let us know what the blessings Gods children have and enjoy the abundance in life(Dt.4:13-14)
1.Gods rule - the ten commandments
(1)God had given us his words before he proclaimed the ten commandments
1)Words - the principle to enjoy visible things in the world and invisible things from God
①He created this universe by words(Ge.1:1-13)
②The beginning of every problem on this earth - disobeying Gods words(Ge.3)
③People without words are being wicked(Ge.6)
④Jesus who expelled satan by the words recorded in the script(Mt.4)
⑤The lesson from Joshuas failure- follow his words everyday and ask God according to the words(Jos.8:34-35, 9:14)
⑥We must grab hold of his words so that we can acknowledge God(Pr.3:5-6)
⑦When Christs words only come into us, we are healed(Heb.4:12)
2)We are the people of covenant living by Gods words
(2)God has given us salvation(v.2)
1)The lives of Gods children in salvation are not the same as those of unbelievers - The life guided by Holy Spirit(Jn.14:16, Ac.1:8, Zec.4:6)
2)The reason God gave us the ten commandments - to confirm and enjoy the blessings of gospel through the ten commandments
2.You shall have no other gods before me
(1)God is unique - the one deserves the true worship
1)Ge.1:1 - the beginning of the faith, Ex.20:3 - the moment we enjoy blessings promised by God
2)Human is a spiritual being that can be satisfied with God only
(2)There surely have existed other gods on this earth.
1)Satan - the existence that does not let our lives come out of curses and disasters and destroys everything in the end.
2)Fallen angels got the ruler of the kingdom of the air(Rev.12:1-9) and have been acting until eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels(Mt.25:41)
3)Reigning this world as a king and sort of god - nobody can stop them
(3)Christ, the unique name that can solve the problems of satan, curses and disasters(Ro.5:8)
Conclusion: Paul said that I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me(Php.3:12). What are you taking hold of now? What is managing you? Do not be deceived by fake happiness, distorted happiness, and distorted blessings. God has called you with the plan that will give you true blessings now. You shall have no other gods before me. You must depend on God only by Christ and restore true blessings in God.
You shall have no other gods before me
Introduction: God has blessed lay people(Ge.1:27-28, Ge.12:1-3, Dt.28:1, 19). Why do we have no power even though we have tremendous blessings from God? Why do we have no power but fail? It is because we do not care about the fact that satan has been working on this earth until the end(Mt.25:41). Todays message reminds us that there are other gods so we should not let them control us(v.3).
God has given His children this message, knowing God(1-4 commandment) and the world(5-10 commandment). It is the ten commandments. The fundamental purpose of the commandment is to let us know what the blessings Gods children have and enjoy the abundance in life(Dt.4:13-14)
1.Gods rule - the ten commandments
(1)God had given us his words before he proclaimed the ten commandments
1)Words - the principle to enjoy visible things in the world and invisible things from God
①He created this universe by words(Ge.1:1-13)
②The beginning of every problem on this earth - disobeying Gods words(Ge.3)
③People without words are being wicked(Ge.6)
④Jesus who expelled satan by the words recorded in the script(Mt.4)
⑤The lesson from Joshuas failure- follow his words everyday and ask God according to the words(Jos.8:34-35, 9:14)
⑥We must grab hold of his words so that we can acknowledge God(Pr.3:5-6)
⑦When Christs words only come into us, we are healed(Heb.4:12)
2)We are the people of covenant living by Gods words
(2)God has given us salvation(v.2)
1)The lives of Gods children in salvation are not the same as those of unbelievers - The life guided by Holy Spirit(Jn.14:16, Ac.1:8, Zec.4:6)
2)The reason God gave us the ten commandments - to confirm and enjoy the blessings of gospel through the ten commandments
2.You shall have no other gods before me
(1)God is unique - the one deserves the true worship
1)Ge.1:1 - the beginning of the faith, Ex.20:3 - the moment we enjoy blessings promised by God
2)Human is a spiritual being that can be satisfied with God only
(2)There surely have existed other gods on this earth.
1)Satan - the existence that does not let our lives come out of curses and disasters and destroys everything in the end.
2)Fallen angels got the ruler of the kingdom of the air(Rev.12:1-9) and have been acting until eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels(Mt.25:41)
3)Reigning this world as a king and sort of god - nobody can stop them
(3)Christ, the unique name that can solve the problems of satan, curses and disasters(Ro.5:8)
Conclusion: Paul said that I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me(Php.3:12). What are you taking hold of now? What is managing you? Do not be deceived by fake happiness, distorted happiness, and distorted blessings. God has called you with the plan that will give you true blessings now. You shall have no other gods before me. You must depend on God only by Christ and restore true blessings in God.