
2011년 3월 27일 "The name of the Lord"
2011-03-29 00:00:00
조회수   1506
March.27,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong
The name of the Lord

Introduction: There are so many people facing difficulties in their lives. Why do they continue having hardships and difficulties? The reason is very simple. Because they are taking the wrong way(Pr.16:25). Human beings are doomed to wander around without having Gods image restored. People tend to follow sort of temporary physical happiness rather than God, just because they fail to find the true happiness.

1.It is everything that we come to the gospel(Ro.1:29-31)
(1)If we do so,
1)We have got the eyes to see the world in Genesis 3s problem
①Spiritual principles collapsed so anything moral between people has been destroyed
②Those who did not know God served other gods and suffered from curses and disasters
2)We get to know the unique answer to solve these problems
(2)However, people do not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God(Ro.1:28)
1)People had no knowledge of God so that they started serving other gods and fell into idol culture
2)Satan has made successful people fall(1Co.10:12), attacking people, and having crimes occur.
3)The problems from original sin in Genesis 3 have destroyed the lives of our offsprings as well as ours(v.5)
(3)Jesus Christ - the unique name that has broken the work of every curse and disaster
1)His name is hundreds and thousands of times stronger than the power that will destroy us by the original sin and has guided us into the work of Gods love(v.6)
2)The core of the gospel: Jesus is Christ(Mt.16:16)
(4)You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God = There is everything in the gospel, which we must enjoy.

2.God has given every blessing to those who know the secret in Gods name(1Sa.17:26, 36)
(1)The one who knows His name(Christ) has no other choice but to be used by Gods hand(one of the representative figures - David)
1)Gods name is the name of creator that created the universe and everything(Ge.1:1-13)
2)Nobody believed this fact so God came to us as the light
(2)What was David like in his time?
1)He had angers towards the fact that the name of God was trampled on the earth(1Sa.17:26,36)
①The group of people like New age, Freemason, and muslim have led others to destruction
②Christians are held up to mockery in reality
2)The one who did his best (Ps.78:70-72)
①It was spiritual eyes that helped him to be faithful
②David was faithful all the time when he was a shepherd, when he became successful, and even when he was a king
3)David knew the fact that he must depend on God in everything
①He stood before Goliath totally depending on Gods name(1Sa.17:45)
②There will be the power when we raise up and rejoice Gods name(1Co.1:18)

Conclusion: You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God means while I am living on this earth, I must raise up the name of Christ. We must raise up the name of Christ in the region we are living, the job we are working on, and the thing we are studying. When Gods plan matched ours, God and the field and my time schedule will be aligned altogether. This is the life of the evangelist.


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