
2011년 5월 15일 "A sanctuary that I will dwell among them"
2011-05-18 00:00:00
조회수   1558
May.15,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
A sanctuary that I will dwell among them

Introduction: There have been fundamental problems, spiritual problems which people cannot solve by their own power. So we must know the gospel first to see the world. If we fail to see the problems arising on this earth through the gospel, there are no answers for every problem. God promised us the blessings of gospel and Immanuel. Once we fail to hold onto those, we are to live like unbelievers. Gods desire is for us to get salvation by Christ and enjoy Immanuel as saved ones. Exodus 25 is about a sanctuary. It says the materials being placed in the tabernacle that indicate the secret of salvation. God wants us not to forget but enjoy the blessing of salvation that God has given us. We must hold on two things to enjoy the blessing of salvation.

1.Gods desire - God is with us
(1)The reason why God wants to be with us - because this world is in the midst of crisis
1)By these accidents of disobedience, Ge.3:1-20, every problem in this world started(the issue of Ge.3)
2)People are not aware of these accidents, but problems will arise that nobody can solve with their own strength.
3)The three figures who made huge impact in history(Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx)
4)Spiritual problems come along (breaking hearts, causing mental sickness, mental disease like depression and addiction)
(2)The solution that God gave to us - A sanctuary that I will dwell among them
1)God has delivered us the secret covenant of blood to solve curses, disasters, and history of failures
①The secret of shedding His blood on the cross (Ge.3:15 offsprings, 3:21 garments of skin)
②Messenger, Moses to restore the secret of blood(Ex.3:18)
③Passover, blood of the lamb(Ex.12:13)
④God had them build a tabernacle and a temple to restore the covenant of blood (Jn.2:21 temple = Jesus Christ)
2)A sanctuary that I will dwell among them - God wants to be with us (v.8)

2.The secret that guarantees our victory in the walk of faith - the secret of the ark of the covenant
(1)Three things in the ark of the covenant
1)The ten Commandments on the tablet of the stone - Gods words that have been accomplished and never change (Mt.5:17-18, Isa.40:8, Ps.119:105)
2)A jar that contained manna - the evidence God led His people perfectly (pray only holding His words)
3)Arons staff that had budded - the evidence God led His people with Gods power (the greatest power is evangelism)
(2)When we hold onto the word of God, prayers, and evangelism, the same miracles as the ark of the covenant will arise in the same manner.

Conclusion: God told us to build a tabernacle to contain the ark of the covenant. It is important to make a tabernacle for the ark of the covenant. When doctors, teachers and students who know the covenant arise, God will allow them to bind off the forces of darkness in Daegu and to build up the kingdom of Heaven. We must enjoy the blessing that God is with us so that we can build up the sanctuary and tabernacle in our walk of faith.


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