
2011년 5월 29일"A sign between me and you for the generations to come"
2011-05-31 00:00:00
조회수   1537
May.29,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
A sign between me and you for the generations to come

Introduction: God is alive and guides us completely. However, so many people are suffering from spiritual problems because they are not aware of God. Worship is such a proof that God is still guiding us and allowing only his children to have such authority and blessing. God needed circumcision as a sign between Him and His chosen people. Next to circumcision, God gave us worship as eternal covenant that is a sign between me and you for the generations to come.
From the beginning to the end, Exodus explains the fact that God is living and guiding his children until now. What is the way to enjoy Gods presence and restore the blessing of Immanuel? That is worship.

1.The chosen day for God to lead and bless us - the Sabbath day
(1)God chooses nation, individual, place, and day to bless
1)Israel where God sent Messiah / individuals who will get salvation(Jn.15:16) / Araunahs threshing floor which will prevent the work of disaster(2Sa.24) / The day that will receive grace(2Co.6:2)
2)God said that people must observe the Sabbath
①Sabbath and Sunday are different day but have the same contents
②Sabbath: the Sabbath in the Old Testament was from Friday evening until Saturday evening. commemorating a rest after creation
③Sunday: the first day after Jesus was crucified. He resurrected on that day and rested, We call it Sunday as Lords day. commemorating the day when the work of recreation took place by Christs resurrection
④People could approach the throne of grace with a curtain opened by Christ(Hewb.4:16)
(2)We must succeed in worship
1)If we miss the blessing of worship because of being deceived by satan, we cannot help but fail(Cain, Europe churches)
2)The secret of Christ that restored a success from the problems in Gen3 is concealed in worship
3)Those who are ahead(pastors, lay leaders) must succeed more in worship (the worship that stopped disaster in 2Sa. 24)

2.Restore His words through Sunday worship
(1)What is good faith?
1)To receive Gods words as answers in the worship
2)To see Gods work with the answers during week days in the fields
3)Worship means pursuing His covenant only(Early Church looked to the Lord only. Ac.1:14)
(2)Restore spiritual power through worship
1)We must get spiritual power because evil satan is trying to attack us even now
2)If we look to God just a little, we can restore the blessing of worship(2Co.10:5. obey Christ by taking captive every thought)
3)As long as we receive grace from God, holding onto the words through worthship, there is no doubt that we conquer the world.

Conclusion: Sunday is to be the time we get power by praying sincerely. We must deliver the power taken from Sunday worship to the fields. The life that failed worship is bound to be destroyed totally(v.14,15). By seeking God only, we must succeed in worship and live a life of the evangelist to save our fields.


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