2011년 7월 3일 "They saw that his face was radiant"
2011-07-07 00:00:00
조회수 1484
July.03,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
They saw that his face was radiant
(Ex.34:18-28, 35)
Introduction: The children of God are to be guided by Gods words like fish in the water and roots in the ground. That is the principle of life. When Israeli people held onto His words, God showed them miracles and drove every tribe out of Canaan(v.10,11). Unless we hold His words, we have no choice but to compromise ourselves with lives and circumstances(Jdg.2:3).
1.We must confirm every answer in the Gods words
(1)God bless us by leading us with the holy spirit in His words
1)There is no other way for us to overcome difficulties in the end but with the word and evangelism movement(2Ti.3:1, 14, 17, 4:1-4, Mt.24-25)
2)God has given us 10 commandments to enjoy Gods eternal blessings and the secret of perfect victories on this earth(Ex.20)
(2)God puts every answer of our lives in the words(the life of the evangelist)
1)Whenever we face trials, we must find answers in Gods words
2)We must pray holding His words with sincere heart(prayers. Abraham held onto promises. Heb.11:1)
3)While enjoying Gods words, we are to have the evidences of God(evangelism)
(3)God gives us His words for the entire of our lives
1)God has led our lives through His words
2)As children of God, we never face failures in Christ(Ps.91:7)
3)God bless those who ask Gods grace holding his words(Ps.1)
2.Restore thanksgiving that tells our identity
(1)We must restore this in the three seasons
1)The Feast of Unleavened Bread: People had eaten bread without yeast for 7 days since Passover, which was done to express thanks to God for putting them out of Egypt. Christ changed our status and solved our problems
2)The Feast of weeks(Pentecost): The season of worshiping God with the first fruit meaning that God leads His children perfectly
3)The Feast of Ingathering (Feast of Trumpets): The season of thanksgiving after finishing harvest which means enjoying the blessing of Gods kingdom
(2)What is our identity?
1)Before receiving the gospel, we were separated from God and had no choice but to fall into sins and die in the hands of satan(past)
2)God saved us out of them, authorized us his children by Christ and now He has led us in this world
3)God called us as evangelist and wants us to save next generations, churches, and fields(future)
(3)When we restore thanks for our identities in God, God extends our territories (v.24)
Conclusion: When we come into words holding the name of Christ, God let us have answers and victories. We must restore thanks for knowing true identity in His words by observing the whole life and the future. As Mosess face was radiant at this time, so God will give us the evidence that cannot help but give us victory. We all must receive the answers that unbelievers can see our face sparkling.
They saw that his face was radiant
(Ex.34:18-28, 35)
Introduction: The children of God are to be guided by Gods words like fish in the water and roots in the ground. That is the principle of life. When Israeli people held onto His words, God showed them miracles and drove every tribe out of Canaan(v.10,11). Unless we hold His words, we have no choice but to compromise ourselves with lives and circumstances(Jdg.2:3).
1.We must confirm every answer in the Gods words
(1)God bless us by leading us with the holy spirit in His words
1)There is no other way for us to overcome difficulties in the end but with the word and evangelism movement(2Ti.3:1, 14, 17, 4:1-4, Mt.24-25)
2)God has given us 10 commandments to enjoy Gods eternal blessings and the secret of perfect victories on this earth(Ex.20)
(2)God puts every answer of our lives in the words(the life of the evangelist)
1)Whenever we face trials, we must find answers in Gods words
2)We must pray holding His words with sincere heart(prayers. Abraham held onto promises. Heb.11:1)
3)While enjoying Gods words, we are to have the evidences of God(evangelism)
(3)God gives us His words for the entire of our lives
1)God has led our lives through His words
2)As children of God, we never face failures in Christ(Ps.91:7)
3)God bless those who ask Gods grace holding his words(Ps.1)
2.Restore thanksgiving that tells our identity
(1)We must restore this in the three seasons
1)The Feast of Unleavened Bread: People had eaten bread without yeast for 7 days since Passover, which was done to express thanks to God for putting them out of Egypt. Christ changed our status and solved our problems
2)The Feast of weeks(Pentecost): The season of worshiping God with the first fruit meaning that God leads His children perfectly
3)The Feast of Ingathering (Feast of Trumpets): The season of thanksgiving after finishing harvest which means enjoying the blessing of Gods kingdom
(2)What is our identity?
1)Before receiving the gospel, we were separated from God and had no choice but to fall into sins and die in the hands of satan(past)
2)God saved us out of them, authorized us his children by Christ and now He has led us in this world
3)God called us as evangelist and wants us to save next generations, churches, and fields(future)
(3)When we restore thanks for our identities in God, God extends our territories (v.24)
Conclusion: When we come into words holding the name of Christ, God let us have answers and victories. We must restore thanks for knowing true identity in His words by observing the whole life and the future. As Mosess face was radiant at this time, so God will give us the evidence that cannot help but give us victory. We all must receive the answers that unbelievers can see our face sparkling.