2011년 7월 10일 "Every skilled man"
2011-07-15 00:00:00
조회수 1596
July.10,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Every skilled man
Introduction: The term Being skilled and wise‘ means the one with skillful hands. God gave each person an appropriate skill with which they were able to build the tabernacle. That is why God called people skilled men who were willing and gave offerings. In other words, the skilled man is the one who looks only to God and helps us do the same thing.
1.Make the tabernacle(Ps.81:8, 10-14)
(1)God commended them to make a tabernacle in order to let them know what to do and where to go
1)God saved the israeli from the idolatry(Ex.7:5, 12:51, 13:3, 9, 14, 20:2)
2)No sooner did they forget this fact than they fell into the hatreds and complaints in the wilderness(cause- sinful nature that drove them to idolatrous culture in Egypt)
(2)God made us seek him only through the wilderness
1)What God hates the most is idolatry (Satan works behind the idolatry)
2)Disasters occur because of idolatry(Col.3:6)
3)Churches should be the first one to know this fact and be ready to fight in the spiritual battlefield(Eph.6:12)
4)On receiving Jesus Christ, we can come out from the idols(Ro.8:2)
5)When we look up to God only through Christ, every problem is to be solved(Ps.81:8, 9-14, 121:1-2)
2.We must teach our children to seek God only
(1)The blessing to build the tabernacle at that time is the same as we let our children look up to God only in the moment
1)We must pray and give offerings for Hana Remnant Conference, World Leader Conference, and World Remnant Conference
2)Whenever remnants arose each time, God worked and gave them blessings in every situation
①Joseph: Through Jacob who had a pession for remnants, he ascribed glory to God in Egypt(Ge.37:11)
②Moses: After receiving the heart of Jochebed, his mother, he proclaimed the glory of God in Egypt
③Samuel, David: their parents always supported them with their prayers
(2)Summer Bible School Message(prayer topic)
1)Prenatal and infant group : Parents must grab a hold of messages for their family and gain the power in faith
2)Preschool and elementary school: given the last chance to get spiritual power.
This group must experience spiritual power when they are young(1Sa.3:19, Ps.78:70-72, Dt.6:4-9)
3)Middle and high school, university, and young adult: given the last chance for healing power
①Middle and high shooler must know the power of gospel where they can find their own talents and future
②In university, they must prepare spiritual constitution and vessel for themselves
③Young people must gain spiritual power to save the world and must be willing to be the key helper for pastors and evangelists and to be the platform of remnants
Conclusion: When we have our watch broken, we must go to the repair shop. When we stand before God with heavy burdens on our shoulders, God will heal us and work with us. We must be like the ones who were willing to build the tabernacle and let our children look up to God only with the skill from God.
Every skilled man
Introduction: The term Being skilled and wise‘ means the one with skillful hands. God gave each person an appropriate skill with which they were able to build the tabernacle. That is why God called people skilled men who were willing and gave offerings. In other words, the skilled man is the one who looks only to God and helps us do the same thing.
1.Make the tabernacle(Ps.81:8, 10-14)
(1)God commended them to make a tabernacle in order to let them know what to do and where to go
1)God saved the israeli from the idolatry(Ex.7:5, 12:51, 13:3, 9, 14, 20:2)
2)No sooner did they forget this fact than they fell into the hatreds and complaints in the wilderness(cause- sinful nature that drove them to idolatrous culture in Egypt)
(2)God made us seek him only through the wilderness
1)What God hates the most is idolatry (Satan works behind the idolatry)
2)Disasters occur because of idolatry(Col.3:6)
3)Churches should be the first one to know this fact and be ready to fight in the spiritual battlefield(Eph.6:12)
4)On receiving Jesus Christ, we can come out from the idols(Ro.8:2)
5)When we look up to God only through Christ, every problem is to be solved(Ps.81:8, 9-14, 121:1-2)
2.We must teach our children to seek God only
(1)The blessing to build the tabernacle at that time is the same as we let our children look up to God only in the moment
1)We must pray and give offerings for Hana Remnant Conference, World Leader Conference, and World Remnant Conference
2)Whenever remnants arose each time, God worked and gave them blessings in every situation
①Joseph: Through Jacob who had a pession for remnants, he ascribed glory to God in Egypt(Ge.37:11)
②Moses: After receiving the heart of Jochebed, his mother, he proclaimed the glory of God in Egypt
③Samuel, David: their parents always supported them with their prayers
(2)Summer Bible School Message(prayer topic)
1)Prenatal and infant group : Parents must grab a hold of messages for their family and gain the power in faith
2)Preschool and elementary school: given the last chance to get spiritual power.
This group must experience spiritual power when they are young(1Sa.3:19, Ps.78:70-72, Dt.6:4-9)
3)Middle and high school, university, and young adult: given the last chance for healing power
①Middle and high shooler must know the power of gospel where they can find their own talents and future
②In university, they must prepare spiritual constitution and vessel for themselves
③Young people must gain spiritual power to save the world and must be willing to be the key helper for pastors and evangelists and to be the platform of remnants
Conclusion: When we have our watch broken, we must go to the repair shop. When we stand before God with heavy burdens on our shoulders, God will heal us and work with us. We must be like the ones who were willing to build the tabernacle and let our children look up to God only with the skill from God.