
2011년 7월 31일 "Make the Ark"
2011-08-05 00:00:00
조회수   1604
July.31,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Make the Ark

Introduction: Everyone without exception is walking through the wilderness with difficulties, problems, failures, and crises. However, the child of God can turn any difficulties into blessings. Paul grabbed a hold of the fact that he must rely on God under any circumstances through sufferings(2Co.1:9). Any kinds of disasters and curses cannot defeat us who know the name of Christ. We have everything in Christ. We must get into prayers and worship holding the name of Christ.

1.Restore the faith believing Gods power
(1)God commended us to make the ark for the next generation to believe in Gods power and be led by God
1)Three things in the ark - a stone monument(words), Arons budded staff(power), the jar of manna(guidance)
2)God knew the time when people did not believe Gods power and His guidance(2Ti.3:5)
3)Lay people sustain hopeless lives without believing Gods power
4)The secret of success - not by the power of human beings but by the Lord, victory will rest(Pr.21:31)
(2)Each part of the ark
1)Sionso, another name of the ark - Gods grace must go on through the wilderness
2)The Atonement, the cover part of the ark - make the ark knowing the cause of disasters and the beginning of sufferings on this earth
3)The cherubim(angels) - God has sent angels to protect Gods children
(3)We must keep these in mind when studying and working into the fields

2.Restore prayers to enjoy the gospel
(1)We must enjoy Gods power from above while enjoying the secret of the gospel
1)Come into the secret of prayers with the gospel(Ac.1:1)
①Gospel means Jesus is Christ
②Christ means the anointed one(King, Priest, Prophet)
③The name has spiritual authorities with which His people can defeat the world
2)When we pray and wait, the kingdom of God comes upon us(Ac.1:3)
3)At the very moment, we have got the power of Holy Spirit from above(Ac.1:8)
(2)7 remnants in the Bible enjoyed the super power beyond that of the world
(3)We must restore our own prayer
1)Have your own way to enjoy the gospel in prayers
2)We will reach the summit when praying itself becomes our nature.

Conclusion: Make the ark through the wilderness. We must live a life of faith believing Gods power and restore the faith in prayer enjoying the gospel, which makes us joyful and gain the powers from God the most.


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