
2011년 8월 28일 "God's glory that appears over you"
2011-09-02 00:00:00
조회수   1558
August.27,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Gods glory that appears over you

Introduction: God called us to the blessing that help us conquer and reign the world. He permitted us to enjoy the blessing of the camp with which we can identify ourselves in our walk of faith everyday. Through todays passage, we must get answers and know what the blessing of the camp is about.
A walk of faith means enjoying the fact that Gods glory appears over you. God appeared over us with glory to be responsible for our lives. This also means that curses by sins, disasters, and the problems from each failure and suffering are gone, and none of those can change our status. This is the gospel and salvation.
There is the way to enjoy the blessing Gods glory appears over you. We must keep on praying about the camp in our fields. All the church members during this week are to fight in the spiritual battles and the camp fields together.

(1)Virtual regional church: knowing Gods evangelism plan in our fields and choosing places.
(2)Regional church: When we pray for the people on the list of evangelism intensively, Holy Spirit works and evangelism can be accomplished.
(3)Making 300 regional churches and 3000 disciples for the Daegu city evangelization in our fields

1.Experiencing the gospel(v.1)
(1)We must experience the gospel first before we begin to work(the first step of everything-gospel)
1)Evangelism disciples experienced the gospel definitely and realistically
2)If we have this secret at the early age, that is the blessing of the blessings(Isaac, Joseph, Moses)
Most of them experience the gospel while they are undergoing bitter problems
3)Problems and accidents are the chance coming from God to let us experience the gospel and use us(Heb.12:8)
(2)Camp is the way to realize the work of gospel without sufferings
1)Seeing the fields of curses, God informs us of the secret through the camp that protects us from falling into curses.
2)Camp?: experience the gospel individually → hearing the pulpit message(Ac.2:42) → succeeding in forum → holding onto Gods plan in our mind and thoughts(Php.4:6-7) → having answers for the past, present, and the future
(3)The moment we experience the real gospel, everything can be restored(Isa.60:4-5)
1)Even Peter who confessed gospel, Mt 16:16, did not experience gospel, he was shaken by worldly problems(Mt.17:24-27)
2)When disciples who were scattered in front of Jesuss suffering met the Lord who rose again, they experienced gospel and changed their lives(Mt.28:1-20)

2.Experiencing the guidance and work of the Holy Spirit
(1)The secret beyond its limit is to come into the filling of Holy Spirit
(2)Once Holy Spirit comes, we become witnesses of the fact that Jesus is Christ(Ac.1:8)
(3)Holy Spirit works on the fields to witness the fact that Jesus is Christ(Ac.1:8)
(4)When we stand on the evangelism fields, the Lord works with Holy Spirit closely(the fields of spiritual battles)
(5)By the working of Holy Spirit, we restore our thanksgiving and the darkness is broken, the spiritual power conquer the age, fields, and regions
1)We found hurts and failures of the past becoming blessings from God(Thanksgiving)
2)When the forces of darkness are bound off and the spiritual power is restored, we start seeing accidents and people

Conclusion: We must experience the working of gospel that Gods glory appears over you through the camp. Also, we must experience the guidance and working of Holy Spirit perfectly in the camp so that we can enjoy the secret of blessing that restores spiritual power and bind the forces of darkness.


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