2011년 9월 4일 "The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle"
2011-09-08 00:00:00
조회수 1577
September.04,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle
Introduction: When the temple fell down through the history of churches, the work of poverty and disasters came along. We must remember that Churches falling down is more serious than several disturbances, difficulties, wars, and the disasters or famine. World churches face crisis and they are loosing their power now and closing their door to the world. At this point, God promised us the restoration of churches in danger with the glory of the Lord filled over the tabernacle. We must hold onto this fact as covenant.
1.The meaning of tabernacle
(1)The first thing we must realize for the restoration of the true church
1)The tabernacle is the secret to meet God
2)The secret of being free and having remission by meeting God
(2)The type of the tabernacle in periodic transformation
1)Tabernacle - the Old Testament, the centerpiece of faith for Israel
2)Ark - the era of David, the centerpiece of faith for Israel
3)Altar - the patriarchal age, the centerpiece of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacobs worship
4)Aden - the era of Genesis, the first temple
(3)The relationship between Jesus Christ and tabernacle
1)Tabernacle is for Jesus Christ → Christ solved problems of lives and He is in us as Holy Spirit
2)The tabernacles are not needed any more → We need to believe in Christ only who is the substance of the tabernacle
3)When the tabernacle is completed, the glory of the Lord occurs
①When we get a hold of the Christ, God reveals himself with His glory
②The walk of faith is to enjoy and receive Jesus Christ
2.We must restore churches
(1)A big revival of the work of Early churches
1)The revival began with the work of Holy Spirit on Pentecost
2)Starting world mission through Antioch church
(2)The reason of the work of big revival in early churches
1)It began when they got to know the gospel
2)It began with those who knew the gospel arise
(3)The meaning of the gospel
1)The gospel is to solve the fundamental problem in lives
①Every human starts their life being separated from God
②Since every man is spiritually dead, all sorts of problems happen to their family, offsprings, spirit, and to their future
③Even success faces failure because it cannot solve fundamental problems in lives(wandering, drug addiction, suicide)
2)It is the gospel that God changed the source
3.How can we manage to deal with all sorts of problems?
(1)Have your mission accomplish Words(Ex.40:21,23,25,27)
1)God gives us the message from the pulpit
2)Think about how we will be guided and practice holding onto words through the pulpit message
(2)Have the important key to world evangelization as Early Churches enjoyed
1)The apostles teaching(Ac.2:42)
2)They consider the words from apostles as Gods words
(3)Practice spreading His words which will be accomplished
1)Think of how we deliver this pulpit message during this week
2)Send Words via e-mail, phone, text message
3)Make spiritual atmosphere by doing a forum with the message in the church
Conclusion: The core of church is to hold onto the pulpit message and make a forum. It is the way to relay the message into our field. We must be messengers who are willing to spread His words.
The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle
Introduction: When the temple fell down through the history of churches, the work of poverty and disasters came along. We must remember that Churches falling down is more serious than several disturbances, difficulties, wars, and the disasters or famine. World churches face crisis and they are loosing their power now and closing their door to the world. At this point, God promised us the restoration of churches in danger with the glory of the Lord filled over the tabernacle. We must hold onto this fact as covenant.
1.The meaning of tabernacle
(1)The first thing we must realize for the restoration of the true church
1)The tabernacle is the secret to meet God
2)The secret of being free and having remission by meeting God
(2)The type of the tabernacle in periodic transformation
1)Tabernacle - the Old Testament, the centerpiece of faith for Israel
2)Ark - the era of David, the centerpiece of faith for Israel
3)Altar - the patriarchal age, the centerpiece of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacobs worship
4)Aden - the era of Genesis, the first temple
(3)The relationship between Jesus Christ and tabernacle
1)Tabernacle is for Jesus Christ → Christ solved problems of lives and He is in us as Holy Spirit
2)The tabernacles are not needed any more → We need to believe in Christ only who is the substance of the tabernacle
3)When the tabernacle is completed, the glory of the Lord occurs
①When we get a hold of the Christ, God reveals himself with His glory
②The walk of faith is to enjoy and receive Jesus Christ
2.We must restore churches
(1)A big revival of the work of Early churches
1)The revival began with the work of Holy Spirit on Pentecost
2)Starting world mission through Antioch church
(2)The reason of the work of big revival in early churches
1)It began when they got to know the gospel
2)It began with those who knew the gospel arise
(3)The meaning of the gospel
1)The gospel is to solve the fundamental problem in lives
①Every human starts their life being separated from God
②Since every man is spiritually dead, all sorts of problems happen to their family, offsprings, spirit, and to their future
③Even success faces failure because it cannot solve fundamental problems in lives(wandering, drug addiction, suicide)
2)It is the gospel that God changed the source
3.How can we manage to deal with all sorts of problems?
(1)Have your mission accomplish Words(Ex.40:21,23,25,27)
1)God gives us the message from the pulpit
2)Think about how we will be guided and practice holding onto words through the pulpit message
(2)Have the important key to world evangelization as Early Churches enjoyed
1)The apostles teaching(Ac.2:42)
2)They consider the words from apostles as Gods words
(3)Practice spreading His words which will be accomplished
1)Think of how we deliver this pulpit message during this week
2)Send Words via e-mail, phone, text message
3)Make spiritual atmosphere by doing a forum with the message in the church
Conclusion: The core of church is to hold onto the pulpit message and make a forum. It is the way to relay the message into our field. We must be messengers who are willing to spread His words.