
2011년 10월 23일 "Why is Jesus the only way for us?"
2011-10-29 00:00:00
조회수   1552
October.23,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Why is Jesus the only way for us?

Introduction: God gave us the only way to meet God, which is Jesus Christ. When we meet people in the field, they often ask us these questions like why is Jesus the only way for us? how about believing anything else correctly and sincerely? Not only Churches do not give the answer for those questions but even christians ask the same questions. They do not know the true way and end up wandering around in the field. We must give the correct answer to those who have been fallen into bigger spiritual problems. Why do you think Jesus is the only way for you?

1.Most people do not understand the difference between religions and the gospel
(1)Religion is to reveal the righteousness of human
1)The effort, piety, devotion, service, aid, mystery, and social justice have something to do with religions.
2)Even though people work really hard for religious life, they still cannot solve their fundamental problems
(2)The reason of getting religious
1)Because people are not able to figure out what problem is on this earth
2)If people judge this fields correctly and know the name of the Christ secret accurately, they cannot help saying Christ only(Ac.3:1-6)
(3)The standard of religions
1)Religion is made by human and people are seeking God on their own power
2)While God Himself comes to us through the gospel
(4)The reason why people cannot come out of religion
1)People do not know what the life of the saved is like(the state of original sin, spiritual death, and unbelief)
2)People do not know what the life of destruction is like(idolatry, mental and physical problems happen to their future and the next generation)
(5)What is the way to solve human problems? Christ only(gospels uniqueness, completion, and absoluteness)
1)It must break down the power of satan, solve the problems of sin that human cannot solve, and the separation of God
2)God came in the flesh of human in order to bleed and die(Jn.1:14)
3)Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit because he must not have sins(Ge.3:15, 1Pe.3:18)
4)Christ bled and died for humans sin(Ro.3:23, 6:23, Lev.17:11, Heb.9:22)

2.What is salvation?
(1)The fundamental problems of human are solved
1)To meet God
2)To solve the problems of sin
3)To bind off the power of satan
(2)Gods grace comes over to the saved ones
1)When we receive Jesus as Christ, the things of Christ become mine
2)People with salvation have inner peace and enjoy the guidance of God under any kinds of circumstances(Php.4:7)
3)It makes us realize and believe His Words and wait for worship
4)God helps us to be witnesses and have realistic faith in problems, difficulties, and conflicts

Conclusion: Jesus only! Only Jesus can make every life true(Col.2:3). The reason ancestors of faith could win was that they kept their faith, Jesus only. Jesus is the only way! We must make sure that we enjoy only Christ during this week.


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