
2011년 10월 30일 "Well-grounded assurance"
2011-11-06 00:00:00
조회수   1656
October.30,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Well-grounded assurance

Introduction: When we say we have faith and assurance, it is very important where we put our basis of them, which makes a huge difference. There are two kinds of faith, one comes from God and the other from human. The faith from God must be our basis, which becomes true faith.

1.The Faith from God and from human
(1)The Faith comes from God(Mt.16:13-20)
1)believing that Jesus is Christ
2)Telling us the man with the faith from God must win the world
3)Faith from God is the gospel
①What we believe is the gospel whose beginning is not the righteousness of man but Gods grace
②What we believe is not humans righteousness but that of the gospel
4)You are the Christ, the son of the living God Peter confessed
①Jesus said Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah
②And for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven
③God gave us grace and let us know Jesus is Christ
(2)The Faith from human
1)Not believing Jesus is Christ
2)If people do not know Jesus is Christ, they start having faith from man
3)It is called religion
4)People cannot realize Gods grace, the gospel by the righteousness of the human
①Human is the state of depravity dead by transgressions and sins(Eph.2:1)
②Lives are fallen into the middle of complete disability and incorrigibility, and complete corruption
③Humans efforts, devotion, eagerness, morality, and personality cannot help us know more about God
④Humans efforts, devotion, eagerness are good but they cannot solve our spiritual problems
⑤Devil satan changed the gospel into religions and revealed itself

2.Well-grounded assurance
(1)The basis of faith and assurance
1)The one who puts the basis of faith onto the subjective things
①Unbelievers, successful people, fortunetellers, and buddhists also have their own assurance
②Everyone has wrong faith that comes from themselves
③People live depending on their efforts, experience, ambition, and standard
④People sometimes believe their own emotions by depending on environment and situation
⑤If people put the basis on these things, they end up being shaken after all
2)The One who puts the basis of faith onto the objective things
①One who puts the basis of faith that Jesus is Christ who does not change forever
②We must put the basis of faith in the middle of the covenant of God, words, that are accomplishing now
(2)We must put the basis of faith in the middle of Gods covenant
1)Our own standard and objective standard
①Misunderstanding that people cannot go to church because they committed sins a lot
→Although people commit sins a lot, Jesus is Christ
→Even though people commit sins, you can go before God boldly through Christ
②Misunderstanding that people cannot go to church because they smoke, drink, and do bad things a lot
→Because of those bad things, people need church
→So we must believe in Jesus Christ
2)We must head to Gods grace holding the objective facts God already accomplished
①Jesus Christ solved every problem(Ro.5:8)
②He solved problems of sins perfectly so that we can go with Gods grace
③We must become the one who stands before God holding the fact that Jesus is Christ and He solved every problem on the cross
(3)God who gave us unchangeable blessings forever
1)The thing that Jesus is Christ and words of God have been accomplished
2)Jesus Christ finished our future and every sin on the cross perfectly(Eph.1:7)
3)We must put the basis of faith on these facts(1Pe.5:7-8)
4)God who promised those will accomplish all of them accurately

Conclusion: One who have faith that Jesus is Christ comes from God. God wins the world through those people. We must pray in the name of Jesus to have the best blessings and to restore well-grounded faith during this week.


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