2011년 12월 11일 "Why does sickness depart when you pray?"
2012-01-05 00:00:00
조회수 1729
December.11,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Why does sickness depart when you pray?
Introduction: If churches get Gods blessings, the blessings are delivered to individuals, families, and businesses. Churches must stand in the direction that God wants. What is the essence of church, the reason of existence? We are here to know the faith, the gospel, and salvation and enjoy them and evangelize the other people. 1) What is faith? The same work that God did through Jesus will happen to me. 2)What is the gospel? Jesus came to us and performed wonderful work, death and resurrection of Christ. 3)What is salvation? It is to solve the problems from satan and hell.
1.We must realize the source of problems first
(1)The problem of unbelievers and general grace(contract. Mt.6:25-32)
1)Every problem of unbelievers is from spiritual problems(Ge.3. sin, satan, and hell)
2)Our efforts paid off but the root of success is sin, satan, and hell
3)Every life has general grace but it has nothing to do with salvation and life(not able to solve spiritual problems)
(2)Believers and privileged grace(contract)
1)Believers have privileged grace and God uses these people by doing world evangelization
2)God protects these people safely and is in charge of them forever
3)The standard of true success and failure depends on whether you know Christ or not
(3)We should acknowledge the painstaking effort, dedication, and sacrifice of the people under general grace
1)We should respect them and also see spiritual problems that they are to undergo
2)We must let remnants fill their vessels with the gospel and must save those who fell down after their won success
(4)It is important to know where the source of healing when it comes to sickness
1)It is more important find out where the sickness comes from than how to figure out the healing of sickness
2)We must pray to find where the Gods plan is in the problems and accidents
2.Why does sickness go away when you pray?
(1)It is ok to be sick (we can do Gods work even though we are sick)
1)The confession of Paul - for when I am weak, then I am strong(2Co.12:1-10)
2)We must take medicine (the blessings God gave us)
3)Distinguish different types of diseases and undergo treatments
4)When we allow God to deal with every disease and problem, He will help us realize what the true healing is
(2)God wants us to be strong physically and spiritually
1)God gives diseases to us as witness of covenants
2)God made us understand the unbelievers through diseases
3)When we pray to God, not only our body but also souls, thoughts, and minds are healed
Conclusion: The standard of everything is Christ. When we enjoy Christ, we can enjoy these blessings as well. God wants us to heal our bodies and souls. God wants us to take fundamental healing from Christ. We must be witnesses of the fact that Christ is responsible for our lives.
Why does sickness depart when you pray?
Introduction: If churches get Gods blessings, the blessings are delivered to individuals, families, and businesses. Churches must stand in the direction that God wants. What is the essence of church, the reason of existence? We are here to know the faith, the gospel, and salvation and enjoy them and evangelize the other people. 1) What is faith? The same work that God did through Jesus will happen to me. 2)What is the gospel? Jesus came to us and performed wonderful work, death and resurrection of Christ. 3)What is salvation? It is to solve the problems from satan and hell.
1.We must realize the source of problems first
(1)The problem of unbelievers and general grace(contract. Mt.6:25-32)
1)Every problem of unbelievers is from spiritual problems(Ge.3. sin, satan, and hell)
2)Our efforts paid off but the root of success is sin, satan, and hell
3)Every life has general grace but it has nothing to do with salvation and life(not able to solve spiritual problems)
(2)Believers and privileged grace(contract)
1)Believers have privileged grace and God uses these people by doing world evangelization
2)God protects these people safely and is in charge of them forever
3)The standard of true success and failure depends on whether you know Christ or not
(3)We should acknowledge the painstaking effort, dedication, and sacrifice of the people under general grace
1)We should respect them and also see spiritual problems that they are to undergo
2)We must let remnants fill their vessels with the gospel and must save those who fell down after their won success
(4)It is important to know where the source of healing when it comes to sickness
1)It is more important find out where the sickness comes from than how to figure out the healing of sickness
2)We must pray to find where the Gods plan is in the problems and accidents
2.Why does sickness go away when you pray?
(1)It is ok to be sick (we can do Gods work even though we are sick)
1)The confession of Paul - for when I am weak, then I am strong(2Co.12:1-10)
2)We must take medicine (the blessings God gave us)
3)Distinguish different types of diseases and undergo treatments
4)When we allow God to deal with every disease and problem, He will help us realize what the true healing is
(2)God wants us to be strong physically and spiritually
1)God gives diseases to us as witness of covenants
2)God made us understand the unbelievers through diseases
3)When we pray to God, not only our body but also souls, thoughts, and minds are healed
Conclusion: The standard of everything is Christ. When we enjoy Christ, we can enjoy these blessings as well. God wants us to heal our bodies and souls. God wants us to take fundamental healing from Christ. We must be witnesses of the fact that Christ is responsible for our lives.