2012년 2월 12일 "Prayer that brings answers"
2012-02-22 00:00:00
조회수 1800
February.12,2012 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Prayer that brings answers
Introduction: God gave us the instruction of how to prayer, which is the Lords prayer. God taught us to enjoy praying with gospel because we cannot win the world and environments by our own power and efforts. When we pray and receive answers, we have power, faith, and vision in them. What is the prayer that brings answers?
1.Why no answer?
(1)Three reasons
1)Because we have things to discard(my unnecessary world knowledge to God)
①Abraham-he didn get any answers until he threw out everything unnecessary (Ge.13:1-13)
②Jacob-When he knelt down the riverside of Jabbok, he received true answers(Ge.32)
③Most of them pray with my own thoughts, motives, and plans
2)Because we pray to fill their needs
3)Because people tend to have their priority wrong(Mt.5-7, the Sermon on the Mount)
①Do not miss the most valuable time for worship(Mt.5:24)
②Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness(Mt.6:33)
③Take the plank out of your own eye(Mt.7:5)
(2)No efforts are needed, just pray correctly
2.The contents of right prayers (powerful prayer)
(1)The attitude of prayer
1)Pray before God
2)Get into deep prayers
(2)The contents of right prayer
1)The first 3 things to pray (Mt.6:33)
①Hallowed be your name -distinguish Gods name correctly(Jn.17:11-12, Isa.43:1, 1Sa.17:45, Ps.23:3, Mt.16:19, 28:19-20, Php.3:21, Ac.4:16)
②Your kingdom come - put the flag of victory(the history of evangelism, Gods reign)
③Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven - Seek your will on earth
2)The things to pray for oneself (4 things)
①Give us today our daily bread - let go of every worry in your life
②Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors - since our lives are weak, ask the forgiveness from God
③And lead us not into temptation - there is devil satans temptation, don fall into it, and have platform over it
④But deliver us from the evil one - because the wicked, satan, exist, we must depend on the name of Jesus Christ
Conclusion: The kingdom of God comes and Gods plan is already completed in heaven. We move on in the name of Jesus and accomplish Gods plan. The name of Jesus Christ is that of Jehovah and every blessing is in him(Jn.17:11-12, Col.2:3). When we grab hold of the name of Jesus, we can enjoy the blessings of Immanuel(Mt.1:23). It is okay for us to pray without yelling and fasting. The powerful prayer is the prayer with right contents. We must restore right prayers.
Prayer that brings answers
Introduction: God gave us the instruction of how to prayer, which is the Lords prayer. God taught us to enjoy praying with gospel because we cannot win the world and environments by our own power and efforts. When we pray and receive answers, we have power, faith, and vision in them. What is the prayer that brings answers?
1.Why no answer?
(1)Three reasons
1)Because we have things to discard(my unnecessary world knowledge to God)
①Abraham-he didn get any answers until he threw out everything unnecessary (Ge.13:1-13)
②Jacob-When he knelt down the riverside of Jabbok, he received true answers(Ge.32)
③Most of them pray with my own thoughts, motives, and plans
2)Because we pray to fill their needs
3)Because people tend to have their priority wrong(Mt.5-7, the Sermon on the Mount)
①Do not miss the most valuable time for worship(Mt.5:24)
②Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness(Mt.6:33)
③Take the plank out of your own eye(Mt.7:5)
(2)No efforts are needed, just pray correctly
2.The contents of right prayers (powerful prayer)
(1)The attitude of prayer
1)Pray before God
2)Get into deep prayers
(2)The contents of right prayer
1)The first 3 things to pray (Mt.6:33)
①Hallowed be your name -distinguish Gods name correctly(Jn.17:11-12, Isa.43:1, 1Sa.17:45, Ps.23:3, Mt.16:19, 28:19-20, Php.3:21, Ac.4:16)
②Your kingdom come - put the flag of victory(the history of evangelism, Gods reign)
③Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven - Seek your will on earth
2)The things to pray for oneself (4 things)
①Give us today our daily bread - let go of every worry in your life
②Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors - since our lives are weak, ask the forgiveness from God
③And lead us not into temptation - there is devil satans temptation, don fall into it, and have platform over it
④But deliver us from the evil one - because the wicked, satan, exist, we must depend on the name of Jesus Christ
Conclusion: The kingdom of God comes and Gods plan is already completed in heaven. We move on in the name of Jesus and accomplish Gods plan. The name of Jesus Christ is that of Jehovah and every blessing is in him(Jn.17:11-12, Col.2:3). When we grab hold of the name of Jesus, we can enjoy the blessings of Immanuel(Mt.1:23). It is okay for us to pray without yelling and fasting. The powerful prayer is the prayer with right contents. We must restore right prayers.