
2012년 3월 4일 "Certain of what we do not see"
2012-03-23 00:00:00
조회수   2063
March.04,2012 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Certain of what we do not see

Introduction: It is different that the principle of life and principle of life of Bible on this earth. The principle of life on this earth is how hard human beings live. However, the principle of Bible is whether mankind know important things or not. The important things are the contents about covenant, blood, and spiritual part. There is a difference between believers and non-believers. Believers are those who sacrifice everything that we do see for things that we do not see. Of course, non-believers are vise versa. If so, where do we put the point of walk of faith while living on this earth?

1.Credulous things - visible blessings, visible problems
(1)We can be deceived by visible blessings
1)When we seem to receive answers in everything, we can be deceived easily.
2)When we have power from the spirit, visible answers seem to come to us but it is not also everything
(2)Because of visible problems, we can lose real blessings
1)When we do well physically, we must see another side
2)It seems to be everything but some part and not the truth but the illusion
3)When we receive blessings, we must proceed to another blessing(Ac.19:21)
(3)The truth is different from the reality - grab a hold of God who is real and true
1)v.1 - This is what we hope for but it can become a real evidence, we do not have it now but we can get this evidence obviously
2)v.2 - People with covenant received answers and gained a victory
3)v.3 - The ancients evidence was made with words out of invisible God
(4)When we conquer the visible world and enjoy true blessings, we must hold different things(spiritual blessings)

2.Grab hold of the spiritual blessings
(1)Spiritual blessings mean Christ(King, Priest, Prophet)
(2)The one who is in the Christ can never be destroyed
1)Free from satan
2)Immanuels blessings
3)They have the secret that can help us win perfectly
4)With Holy Spirit(2Co.4:16)
5)Destroying the darkness and gaining a final victory
6)Mobilizing the angel, destroying the darkness, the Kingdom of God
7)The one who has Gods secret
(3)The one who does not know spiritual fact is to live the life of failure

Conclusion: The commission of church has also physical things but invisible and spiritual things. It is to prevent the work of disaster and change the culture of darkness. It is evangelism and mission. When we know spiritual fact and spiritual world, we cannot be shaken and be oppressed. We can live with realistic life and life of evidence. Visible thing consists of spiritual things. I hope that we will become true disciples who will save the field by enjoying these blessings.


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