
2009년 04월 12일 "모든 것을 다 부활시키라" 영문
2009-04-13 00:00:00
조회수   2393
April 12, 2009 Sunday Pulpit Msg. Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Resurrect Everything
(1 Pet. 1:3-4)

Introduction: People in the world seem to talk about hope, but in fact, things that cover the world are death and fear. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the work taken place to give truly good news (life) to those who are enslaved by death and fear. It is said in the Bible, "every human being has committed sin, and the result of that is death." It is Satan who has the power of death, and those who fear death is completely enslaved by him. It is how all the religions on the earth were originated from death and fear.
Those who were separated from God and captivated by death and fear were cursed. They also have to live in the midst of suffering and keep facing curses and disasters. The incident that finished all these things at once is the resurrection of Jesus. (1 Cor. 15:3-4, 55). To the Christians, death is not the end but resurrection, salvation, and life. That"s why you have to save the world with the faith of resurrection in your life.

1. The meaning and the content of resurrection.
(1) The incident of resurrection seen in today"s scripture.
1) God had mercy on those who fell into the original sin, so He resurrected
Jesus Christ (v. 3)
2) The blessing of being born again (New Life) is granted when believing in
the resurrected Christ. (v. 3)
3) The born again people enjoy the eternal inheritance of the heaven, and it
will last forever.
(2) Why had God mentioned the Messiah for thousand years?
1) In order to inform us the existence of Satan who is the spiritual being that
perishes people"s lives through destiny.
① Many of the Christians don"t know the existence of Satan, and the control
of cultures in the world was taken away by demon possessed people.
② They do not understand the spiritual battle, and that"s why they fail
although they go to church.
2) God promised to send the Messiah (Christ) in order to break down the
power of Satan. (Gen. 3:15, 1Jn. 3:8)
(3) The content of the resurrection: "Resurrection is the masterpiece of God to
give human being eternal life.
1) The fundamental problems of human being can be solved only when Christ
pays the debts of sins with death and resurrection.
2) Satan blocks us from believing the work of resurrection.
(rumors - theft of Jesus" dead body, Jesus" faint, illusion)
3) Resurrection is qualification of savior
4) All the Christians will be resurrected as perfect and divine being like
Christ did. (Is. 26:19, Eph. 5:14, 1Th. 4:13-17, Mt. 22:32)

2. How to experience the work of resurrection?
(1) The critical incident of resurrection is the fact that God is now with believers
by the Holy Spirit.
1) Jn. 14:16 ("He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever")
2) Act. 1:8 ("But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you")
(2) Experience the indwelling, the guidance, and the filling of the Holy Spirit.
1) You should put down all your thoughts, plans, motives, and even prayer
topics. (Gal. 2:20 → the indwelling of the Holy Spirit)
2) Consider if it is God"s plan or not in everything you do. - before start,
procedure, and conclusion. (2 Cor. 7:10 → the guidance of the Holy Spirit)
3) Admit the fact that it is impossible by your strength. Grab hold of the fact that
it is possible only by God"s power. (the filling of the Holy Spirit)

Conclusion: May you resurrect everything by experiencing the power of resurrection first. The gifts God has given us to resurrect your family, children, and health are the indwelling, the guidance, and the filling of the Holy Spirit. We should change the field of death into the one of life. For this, God promised to dwell in us, guide us, and work on us by the Holy Spirit. God also promised to give us the blessing of true victory when we stay within the resurrected Christ. (1 Cor. 15:55-58)


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