2009년 06월 07일 "For The Help of His Presenc"
2009-06-11 00:00:00
조회수 2086
copyright ⓒ Hana presbyterian church for world evangelization
Jun. 07, 2009 / Sunday Pulpit Msg. II / Pastor Shin, Bong Jun
For The Help of His Presence
(Ps. 43:1-5)
The greatest blessing that God has given us in the name of Christ is prayer. We can do everything if we can pray because of the Gospel that we possess. The individual who can really pray when he is alone will be absolutely successful. The message that you have can be factually applied to you only when you pray. If you receive answers to prayer and get spiritual power from it, it will eventually spread over your fields. This is what you call, "the kingdom of God." You should restore the mystery of prayer for you to receive true answers. The poem was written by David connected to Ps. 42, and it consists of his prayer. Through today"s scripture, we will confirm what kind of prayer we should restore and what we should experience and enjoy in prayer.
1. The prayer that children of God should restore - prayer of evangelist
(1) Day by day, always, everyday. - You must confirm the fact that you are saved as a child of God.
1) Elijah knew the power of God, and that is why he could pray sincerely and receive the answers of numerous miracles.
2) The Christians received the answer that the spiritual problems which can never be solved by human being.
(2) You should experience the grace and the blessing of salvation through evangelism
1) God decided to save human being through the foolishness of evangelism. (unique method - evangelism, 1Cor.1:21)
2) The individual who is in the midst of curses and disasters because of sins is revived when he is evangelized.
3) The individuals who received answers to prayer all knew what the mystery of the covenant and spiritual problems are.
(3) You will know the prayer topics that God desires when you are in evangelism field grabbing hold of the covenant.
1) Samuel and Esther (1Sam.7, Est.4)
2) You will know what you should pray for if you receive the guidance of the word in evangelism field. (Prayer topics that the hope of God resides in)
3) Prayer topics for Hana Church : establishment of 300 regional churches, rise of 3000~5000 disciples, appointment of church lay leaders who do disciple ministry in the field.
2. David had prayed knowing the spiritual mystery and God"s ministry of salvation.
(1) He prayed with the blessing of Christ"s three positions and the covenant of Messiah.
1) David correctly knew the reasons of his difficulties. (v.1)
2) You must pray in the name of Jesus Christ which can completely solve all your problems.
3) Christ can change and judge everything in your life.
(2) He went before God with the power of Christ and the blood of lamb.
1) He boldly justified of his righteousness (v.2)
2) The ministry of salvation that Christ accomplished in us is complete. (Rom.6:17-18, 8:2, Jn.8:44 → 1Jn.3:2)
(3) He experienced the work of God by entreating God to save him from the kingdom of Satan grabbing hold of the covenant.
1) He started prayer by frustration, but he concluded it by entreating God to save him from the kingdom of Satan. (v. 2, 4)
2) The prayer with the covenant is spiritual prayer, and you can get true enjoyment from it. (v. 2, 4, 5)
3) Unbelief makes you incapable of receiving answers to prayer. (v. 5)
Conclusion: Boldly and justifiably shout to the Lord for the power of Christ who already solved all of our sins and curses when you are hit by great problems or hardships. We are the children of God, who are bound to receive answers to prayer, and we are all righteous in Christ (Rom. 8:31-39). Do not be deceived by false messages of Satan especially when you are in hardships. Get rid of unbelief prior to attempt to solve problems.
Jun. 07, 2009 / Sunday Pulpit Msg. II / Pastor Shin, Bong Jun
For The Help of His Presence
(Ps. 43:1-5)
The greatest blessing that God has given us in the name of Christ is prayer. We can do everything if we can pray because of the Gospel that we possess. The individual who can really pray when he is alone will be absolutely successful. The message that you have can be factually applied to you only when you pray. If you receive answers to prayer and get spiritual power from it, it will eventually spread over your fields. This is what you call, "the kingdom of God." You should restore the mystery of prayer for you to receive true answers. The poem was written by David connected to Ps. 42, and it consists of his prayer. Through today"s scripture, we will confirm what kind of prayer we should restore and what we should experience and enjoy in prayer.
1. The prayer that children of God should restore - prayer of evangelist
(1) Day by day, always, everyday. - You must confirm the fact that you are saved as a child of God.
1) Elijah knew the power of God, and that is why he could pray sincerely and receive the answers of numerous miracles.
2) The Christians received the answer that the spiritual problems which can never be solved by human being.
(2) You should experience the grace and the blessing of salvation through evangelism
1) God decided to save human being through the foolishness of evangelism. (unique method - evangelism, 1Cor.1:21)
2) The individual who is in the midst of curses and disasters because of sins is revived when he is evangelized.
3) The individuals who received answers to prayer all knew what the mystery of the covenant and spiritual problems are.
(3) You will know the prayer topics that God desires when you are in evangelism field grabbing hold of the covenant.
1) Samuel and Esther (1Sam.7, Est.4)
2) You will know what you should pray for if you receive the guidance of the word in evangelism field. (Prayer topics that the hope of God resides in)
3) Prayer topics for Hana Church : establishment of 300 regional churches, rise of 3000~5000 disciples, appointment of church lay leaders who do disciple ministry in the field.
2. David had prayed knowing the spiritual mystery and God"s ministry of salvation.
(1) He prayed with the blessing of Christ"s three positions and the covenant of Messiah.
1) David correctly knew the reasons of his difficulties. (v.1)
2) You must pray in the name of Jesus Christ which can completely solve all your problems.
3) Christ can change and judge everything in your life.
(2) He went before God with the power of Christ and the blood of lamb.
1) He boldly justified of his righteousness (v.2)
2) The ministry of salvation that Christ accomplished in us is complete. (Rom.6:17-18, 8:2, Jn.8:44 → 1Jn.3:2)
(3) He experienced the work of God by entreating God to save him from the kingdom of Satan grabbing hold of the covenant.
1) He started prayer by frustration, but he concluded it by entreating God to save him from the kingdom of Satan. (v. 2, 4)
2) The prayer with the covenant is spiritual prayer, and you can get true enjoyment from it. (v. 2, 4, 5)
3) Unbelief makes you incapable of receiving answers to prayer. (v. 5)
Conclusion: Boldly and justifiably shout to the Lord for the power of Christ who already solved all of our sins and curses when you are hit by great problems or hardships. We are the children of God, who are bound to receive answers to prayer, and we are all righteous in Christ (Rom. 8:31-39). Do not be deceived by false messages of Satan especially when you are in hardships. Get rid of unbelief prior to attempt to solve problems.