2009년 06월 21일 "There is a river"
2009-06-22 00:00:00
조회수 1962
copyright ⓒ Hana presbyterian church for world evangelization
Jun. 21, 2009 / Sunday Pulpit Msg. II / Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
There is a river
Introduction: True success refers to application of 20 biblical evangelism strategies to individual, field, church, and world through your life. The most necessary thing for all christians in their fields is the Gospel. May all of you find true strength and true happiness inside the Gospel. Then, how should our church receive guidance? With the Gospel, we must encourage those who are left behind in our church, save fields of the elites, and do the ministry of rasing up disciples in the field of 99% non-believers. For this ministry, many people will be appointed as church lay leaders. How can our church and its members do this huge assignment?
1. Enjoy the mystery of the life of Jesus. (v.4, "There is a river..")
(1) The background of today"s scripture:
1) The entire Judea and King Hezekiah faced a crisis due to the attack of
Sennacherib, king of Assyria
2) He could overcome the crisis by the grace of God because he asked God for
His mercy and salvation.
(1King. 19)
3) The Assyrian army whose soldiers were hundred and eighty-five thousand
surrounded Jerusalem, but there was a river which never ran dry. (v.4)
(2) Churches must not lose hold of the mystery of the life of Jesus.
1) "The river" in Jerusalem means the mystery of the life of Jesus.
2) There"s no one who can take the mystery of the life of Jesus from us.
(Jn. 4:14, 7:37)
3) When you grab hold of the mystery of the life of Jesus:
① You get strength whenever you attend in a worship service.
② God opens up the door of blessings.
③ Your church gets revived without struggling.
4) God is the one who works if you have the mystery of the life. (Even problems
are greater answers.)
① God solves your personal and family problems
② You must deliver this mystery to your children as well.
③ You must enjoy this mystery even in your work place.
2. Grab hold of the name of Jesus.
(1) Jesus" name is:
1) Immanuel (Is. 7:14)
2) The name of Jehovah
3) The name which protects the children of God from destruction (Jn.17:11-12)
4) The name that gives you answers to prayer (Jn/14:14)
5) The name that completely destroyed the work of devil
6) The name that gives you the key to heaven.
(2) You should always start with the Gospel, in another word, the name of Christ.
1) First of all, you should enjoy the life of Jesus.
2) Then, you will eventually receive answers to prayer
3) Evangelism will take place by having evidences
4) Blessings of finances and church will be granted.
(3) We have stood as the witness who truly know the fact that there"s everything
in the name of Jesus Christ, and this is why we have no choice but to receive
Conclusion: Enjoying the life of Jesus Christ in us is the key to saving the entire Daegu region. This key cannot be taken by anyone, and if you just keep enjoying it, change will be revealed in your family, family line, workplace, and even your next generation. This region, this nation, and the entire world will be revived through you. God will take responsibility for everything if this church boasts of only the mystery of life.
Jun. 21, 2009 / Sunday Pulpit Msg. II / Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
There is a river
Introduction: True success refers to application of 20 biblical evangelism strategies to individual, field, church, and world through your life. The most necessary thing for all christians in their fields is the Gospel. May all of you find true strength and true happiness inside the Gospel. Then, how should our church receive guidance? With the Gospel, we must encourage those who are left behind in our church, save fields of the elites, and do the ministry of rasing up disciples in the field of 99% non-believers. For this ministry, many people will be appointed as church lay leaders. How can our church and its members do this huge assignment?
1. Enjoy the mystery of the life of Jesus. (v.4, "There is a river..")
(1) The background of today"s scripture:
1) The entire Judea and King Hezekiah faced a crisis due to the attack of
Sennacherib, king of Assyria
2) He could overcome the crisis by the grace of God because he asked God for
His mercy and salvation.
(1King. 19)
3) The Assyrian army whose soldiers were hundred and eighty-five thousand
surrounded Jerusalem, but there was a river which never ran dry. (v.4)
(2) Churches must not lose hold of the mystery of the life of Jesus.
1) "The river" in Jerusalem means the mystery of the life of Jesus.
2) There"s no one who can take the mystery of the life of Jesus from us.
(Jn. 4:14, 7:37)
3) When you grab hold of the mystery of the life of Jesus:
① You get strength whenever you attend in a worship service.
② God opens up the door of blessings.
③ Your church gets revived without struggling.
4) God is the one who works if you have the mystery of the life. (Even problems
are greater answers.)
① God solves your personal and family problems
② You must deliver this mystery to your children as well.
③ You must enjoy this mystery even in your work place.
2. Grab hold of the name of Jesus.
(1) Jesus" name is:
1) Immanuel (Is. 7:14)
2) The name of Jehovah
3) The name which protects the children of God from destruction (Jn.17:11-12)
4) The name that gives you answers to prayer (Jn/14:14)
5) The name that completely destroyed the work of devil
6) The name that gives you the key to heaven.
(2) You should always start with the Gospel, in another word, the name of Christ.
1) First of all, you should enjoy the life of Jesus.
2) Then, you will eventually receive answers to prayer
3) Evangelism will take place by having evidences
4) Blessings of finances and church will be granted.
(3) We have stood as the witness who truly know the fact that there"s everything
in the name of Jesus Christ, and this is why we have no choice but to receive
Conclusion: Enjoying the life of Jesus Christ in us is the key to saving the entire Daegu region. This key cannot be taken by anyone, and if you just keep enjoying it, change will be revealed in your family, family line, workplace, and even your next generation. This region, this nation, and the entire world will be revived through you. God will take responsibility for everything if this church boasts of only the mystery of life.