2009년 06월 28일 "Church That Will Be Remembered in The Future"
2009-06-29 00:00:00
조회수 1950
Jun. 28, 2009 / Sunday Pulpit II / Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Church That Will Be Remembered in The Future
Introduction: God"s important time for the new beginning of Hana Church has come. How can this church be used for the work of God as a memorable church? There are things that we need to leave.
1. We need to leave the blessings that the lay leaders of the early church had.
(1) You need to confirm the covenant given by God first and experience it.
1) Jesus=Christ - the fact that Jesus is Christ should be the start of everything (Act.1:1)
2) The kingdom of God - we should enjoy the blessing of kingdom of God being established. (Act.1:3)
3) The filling of the Holy Spirit - You can just go into the filling of the Holy Spirit with the mystery of the kingdom of God and Christ.
(2) The blessings that the early church lay leaders and members had enjoyed.
1) Ac1:1, 3, 8 They raised workers who knew the mystery of the Word region by region (The answer of regional church)
2) When you take your steps with the covenant, God will meet all your needs. (Phil.4:19, Jer.33:3, Mt.6:33)
(3) Think about how you will be used for this Gospel movement at least once a day..
2. We need to leave the evidences of the power of the Gospel to our next generation.
(1) The evidences of the power of the Gospel that the early church left
1) They prayed constantly grabbing hold of the covenant even in the midst of persecution of public power.
2) When God"s time had come, incredible and irresistible work of the Holy Spirit occurred.
3) 3000 disciples had been arisen even in the midst of persecution.
4) It crumbled the authority of religion. (Ac.3~4)
5) Religious people had returned (Ac.6)
6) Paul who was once against Christ had returned as an evangelist. (Ac.9)
7) Missionaries had been sent out by Paul, Roman governor-general was converted to Christianity, the door to Macedonia evangelism was opened, the Thessalonian church was established, the door of Roman evangelism was opened, there was no one who could block the Gospel.
(2) God will bless Hana Church and give us the evidences because we need to deliver the power of the Gospel.
3. We should leave disciples who will relay evangelism movement.
(1) We should enjoy the blessing of evangelism movement that will last forever.
1) Evangelism movement occurred age by age, but it didn"t last long due to the failure of rasing up disciples.
2) The early church maintained evangelism movement until the conquer of Rome.
(2) We need to raise up our descendants in order to maintain evangelism movement.
1) The purpose of rasing funds for Remnant Scholarship and RUTC movement, the reason for opening the age of church lay leaders: Raising up right disciples for maintaining the Gospel movement.
2) God has given the greatest blessing to those who carry out their ministry for the future. (Jethro, Obadiah, Elisha, Paul)
Conclusion: Not the evangelism for church revival, but the church for evangelism is needed. We need to grab hold of God"s word that the early church received at their beginning as our covenant. While doing that, the power of the Gospel will be revealed, and the Gospel movement will last continuously. For these things to take place, God will bless your family and business. Today, start with thinking about how you will receive guidance in evangelism and gospel movement.
Church That Will Be Remembered in The Future
Introduction: God"s important time for the new beginning of Hana Church has come. How can this church be used for the work of God as a memorable church? There are things that we need to leave.
1. We need to leave the blessings that the lay leaders of the early church had.
(1) You need to confirm the covenant given by God first and experience it.
1) Jesus=Christ - the fact that Jesus is Christ should be the start of everything (Act.1:1)
2) The kingdom of God - we should enjoy the blessing of kingdom of God being established. (Act.1:3)
3) The filling of the Holy Spirit - You can just go into the filling of the Holy Spirit with the mystery of the kingdom of God and Christ.
(2) The blessings that the early church lay leaders and members had enjoyed.
1) Ac1:1, 3, 8 They raised workers who knew the mystery of the Word region by region (The answer of regional church)
2) When you take your steps with the covenant, God will meet all your needs. (Phil.4:19, Jer.33:3, Mt.6:33)
(3) Think about how you will be used for this Gospel movement at least once a day..
2. We need to leave the evidences of the power of the Gospel to our next generation.
(1) The evidences of the power of the Gospel that the early church left
1) They prayed constantly grabbing hold of the covenant even in the midst of persecution of public power.
2) When God"s time had come, incredible and irresistible work of the Holy Spirit occurred.
3) 3000 disciples had been arisen even in the midst of persecution.
4) It crumbled the authority of religion. (Ac.3~4)
5) Religious people had returned (Ac.6)
6) Paul who was once against Christ had returned as an evangelist. (Ac.9)
7) Missionaries had been sent out by Paul, Roman governor-general was converted to Christianity, the door to Macedonia evangelism was opened, the Thessalonian church was established, the door of Roman evangelism was opened, there was no one who could block the Gospel.
(2) God will bless Hana Church and give us the evidences because we need to deliver the power of the Gospel.
3. We should leave disciples who will relay evangelism movement.
(1) We should enjoy the blessing of evangelism movement that will last forever.
1) Evangelism movement occurred age by age, but it didn"t last long due to the failure of rasing up disciples.
2) The early church maintained evangelism movement until the conquer of Rome.
(2) We need to raise up our descendants in order to maintain evangelism movement.
1) The purpose of rasing funds for Remnant Scholarship and RUTC movement, the reason for opening the age of church lay leaders: Raising up right disciples for maintaining the Gospel movement.
2) God has given the greatest blessing to those who carry out their ministry for the future. (Jethro, Obadiah, Elisha, Paul)
Conclusion: Not the evangelism for church revival, but the church for evangelism is needed. We need to grab hold of God"s word that the early church received at their beginning as our covenant. While doing that, the power of the Gospel will be revealed, and the Gospel movement will last continuously. For these things to take place, God will bless your family and business. Today, start with thinking about how you will receive guidance in evangelism and gospel movement.