
2009년 11월 08일 "I Make Myself A Slave to Everyone"
2009-11-09 00:00:00
조회수   1959
Nov. 08, 2009 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
I Make Myself A Slave to Everyone

Introduction: The principle of living in this world is quite different from the one of living as a christian that the Bible talks about. People in this world say, "Do best in every aspect of your life," "You become the boss and kill the strong (Il principe)," "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." However, the Bible tell us that it is important to understand the Gospel first. Jesus said, "If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him other also." In Luke 22 and John 13, Jesus told disciples, "you also should wash one another"s feet." when disciples were arguing over which of them was considered to be greatest. In todays scripture reading, Paul is using a paradox, "Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone." Lets find what is the biblical method to conquer the field through his confession.
1. What is the biblical method to conquer the field?
(1) You save people no matter what problem you face (the characteristic of the seven Remnants - they were people who knew how to serve others.)
(2) Those who have the Gospel can overcome evil with good. (Rom.12:19-21)
(3) Those who have the Gospel serve others with the hands of the Gospel.
1) Paul made himself a slave to save people (v.19)
① He enjoyed the true blessing in Christ (the blessing of salvation)
② He made himself a slave to everyone with the freedom in Christ.
2) Jesus made an example of a servant that washes feet (Jn.13:1-15)
① He showed what is like saving the world with the Gospel in the most important time.
② The Love of God: incarnation (the love of serving) (Jn.1:12, 13:3). It is just not a simple love but the love that he gave his own life to solve the destiny problem of human being. (Mk.10:45)
2. Serve one another (The mystery to overcome Satan, Gal.5:13)
(1) Pastors must serve all of church members and lay leaders.
1) Satan comes our way through the conflicts between pastors and lay leaders.
2) Pastors must serve and save church members with the Word.
(2) Lay leaders and every church member must save the church.
1) They should share the prayer topics and pray for each other.
2) They should try to make church strong, support the Lords servants, and become the platform for the Remnants.
3) They should devote themselves and serve the church by staking their lives.
(3) Pastors and lay leaders must take care of new church members and those who are weak in faith
1) Elders (Regional representative) should deliver the Word to people in each region encouraging and supporting them.
(4) All of the church members must become one and serve each other.
1) It is possible because we possess Christ in our hearts.
2) When the complete oneness takes place, we can win over the forces of darkness
Conclusion: There is the most obvious way to save the world with the Gospel. "Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. (v.19)" It is to serve one another with the hands of the Gospel. Please confirm what you possess, and may you enjoy the blessing of the kingdom of God being established and experience the force of darkness being crumbled by loving each other.


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