
2010년 02월 07일"God's absolute sovereignty and prayers"
2010-02-08 00:00:00
조회수   1905
feb.07,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
Gods absolute sovereignty and prayers

Introduction: The fact that God is living with us is the biggest platform to us. Our lives will not work properly without believing in God’s sovereignty. Paul knowing this fact clearly said For from him and through him and to him are all things.(Rom.11:36) There are always some types of people who tend to give us problems and sufferings that seem to suffocate us. How can we seek and enjoy the answers in those circumstances ahead of New Year’s Day?

1. We must wholly trust the faith in God’s sovereignty.
(1) The faith in Gods sovereignty must be followed after salvation.
1)Salvation means that God called me out of the hell and curses and then made me His own child.
2)He is thoroughly protecting the chosen people to the end.(Phil.1: 6, Ps.37: 28)
3)Unless we believe in His sovereignty, we are to fail when getting into the field.
(2)We must grab a hold onto the plan of God in the middle of all happenings and trials
1)The Lord hardened Pharahs heart for the Gods plan(conveying the covenant of the Passover, witnessing Israel to the world)
2)God made the Jewish people bitter and let them persecute the early churches so that He could build up the churches that were going to work only for evangelism movement.
3)David realized why God allowed Shimei to curse(2Sam.16:10-11)
(3)Enjoy and restore the belief in Gods sovereignty in advance

2. We must enter the prayers with God’s sovereignty and the belief in it.
(1)God’s sovereignty can be done in advance by prayers.
1)Even though we know the God’s control, we will be pressured by the burden of the world(a religious faith of abandon)
2)Two things will be seen if we pray holding the sovereignty.
①The way of God who is with me now
②The touch of God who is working behind me and the adversities
③The people who enjoyed this blessing: Elisha(2King.6:14-17),
David(1Chr.29:10-14, 1Sam.26:8-12)
3)We must view the world with the eyes on God’s sovereignty.
①Even though a number of great things happen to unbelievers, they have no choice but fail in the end.
②No matter how hard our lives are now, we are to succeed.
4)When facing all trials and accidents, we must discern the allowance from God and His plan for us.
(2)The circumstances cannot hinder us when we pray to believe God’s reign.
1)In the case of Joseph, he was never bound or concerned about his problems.
①overcoming the temptation of Potiphars wife(Gen.39: 9)
②proclaiming the peace of God to King Pharaoh
2)God works in two different ways for those who are praying for God’s sovereignty.
①changing the circumstance and people ②or taking us out of them
③God took Joseph out of his place rather than having his circumstances changed.
In the Potiphars house, God did but vice versa.(God made his brothers changed and anyway your circumstances will be changed, too)

Conclusion: Get into the prayer holding the sovereignty of God before getting your work started. Do not blame the people or circumstances, but experience God’s work changing them totally for you. Experience the victory through the true evidence that God is still living with us.


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