
2010년 04월 18일"He will certainly not lose his reward"
2010-04-21 00:00:00
조회수   1797
Apr.18,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
He will certainly not lose his reward

Introduction: God gives blessings to those who are aligned with evangelism ,
mission and world evangelization. Evangelist has Gods blessings that he will certainly not lose his reward.(1Th.2:19) We have a few questions to enjoy this blessing. We must know and keep the answers of them in mind.

1.Do human beings just exist and disappear someday?
(1)We do not just live and die, but we live a life with an absolutely reason
1)People work so hard but do not know its reason that they just live losing its true answers.
2)People are thirsty for the answer of their own spiritual problems not knowing its root.
(2)There are absolute differences between unbelievers and believers.
1)The one who sows an unfaith will reap destruction; the one who sows an faith by the Spirit will reap eternal life(Gal.6:7-9)
2)We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad(2Co.5:10)
3)God will reward based on what we have done(Rev.22:10-12)
4)Believers have carried on their walk step by step under His glorious control(Php.1:6)

2.What is the reason for the hardship in our lives?
(1)Since there is spiritual problem, it cannot be solved by the knowledge from the world.
(2)Because of the original sin, the history of pains and trials began to
His creature.(Ge.3:18)
1)Due to the original sin, we(Humans) belong to the devil since we are born(Ro.3:23, Jn.8:44)
2)We are separated from God and we face curses and disasters constantly(Ge.3:1-6, 18)
3)We, people, are mistaken that we are happy even though we are deceived by lies.
(3)The state of unbelievers
1)Child of devil-belong to satan(Eph.2:1) 2)Spiritual problem-idol worship(Eph.2:2)
3)Mental problem-depression, manic-depressive(Eph.2:3)
4)Physical problem-suicide, incurable diseases(Ac.8:4-8)
5)After death-hell and judgement(Lk.16:19-31)
6)Spiritual inheritance(Ex.20:4-5)

3.Why did God call us?
(1)God called us to achieve the plan of evangelism, Gods eternal plan
1)66-volume bible talks about evangelism
2)The rise and fall of the world history has been done in center of evangelism
3)The reason Jesus came to the earth is to save the lost souls(1Pe.1:9)
4)The reason God gave us the Spirit is for evangelism(Ac.1:8)
5)Every step in our lives such as studying and working exists for world evangelization
(2)There is everything in the Gospel, evangelism
1)As we know the gospel, we direct our thoughts to the evangelism, then words are accomplished, we offer true prayers, in turn, we get to receive the answer
2)When we enjoy gospel and words, we can talk about our life with gospel and evangelism, through Him the world will change, talent will be shone, and Gods hidden finance will be recovered.

Conclusion: Evangelism is to proclaim the gospel so that people deceived by satan could get out of sins and curses on the earth. Therefore, God will take charge of our all matters when we aligning everything with this evangelism work.(Mat 6:33). The merest sacrifice for the world evangelization will certainly not lose a reward.


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