
2010년 05월 02일"The secret in answers of prayers"
2010-05-05 00:00:00
조회수   1763
May.02,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
The secret in answers of prayers

Introduction: A believer as Gods child must receive the answer from God. If believers have a walk of faith without answers from God, they have no choice but have more worries and burdens on their shoulders as time goes by. It give such bad examples of believers to non-believers that they are nothing even they have God. Believers must help their children get answers from God. If we do not know the secret of the answers, our children also go through hardships in their walk of faith. How can we receive the answers from Him?

1.God gives answers to those who know Christ
(1)The one who knows Christ has the right to receive answers.
1)When some Jews practicing sorcery commanded in Jesus name, the evil spirit attacked them(Ac.19:15)
2)Even though we have a walk of faith, we definitely face such an embarrassing moment if we do not know the Christ
(2)Christ is the solution of all matters
1)God sent Christ to the earth as He promised to solve the problem of our life(Ge.3:15, Mt.16:16)
2)Christ opened the way that we meet God, gives the solution to the original sin, and gets us free from the satan
3)Grist is the name with which everyone enjoys his blessing(1Co.1:18)
4)For many will deceive not to believe true Christ at the end of the world(Mt.24:5)
(3)As long as we, christians, begin our walk of faith with Christ, we will be answered.

2.God answers the one who enjoys the secret of blessings in Christ
(1)God not only allows His children to be aware of the blessings in Christ but also enjoy them.
1)If we enjoy the blessings, we can be free from everything
2)God lets us enjoy both life and its abundance(Jn.10:9-10)
(2)Blessings in Christ:
1)We are Gods heirs who enjoy Gods everything as our own(Ro.8:15-17)
2)Every field will be conquered once we enjoy Christ(Ro.8:31-39)
3)God gives us the Spirit to enjoy blessings, authority to win with the background of Gods kingdom

3.The eyes are to be opened as we enjoy the blessings in Him.
(1)We have our eyes open to see why the hardship in life is everywhere(the eye to see the world)
(2)Therefore we can understand But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well(Mt.6:33)
(3)Our lives can be naturally aligned with the evangelism when we have our eyes open to the world and have answers for the evangelism.

Conclusion: We must know the christ and enjoy the blessing in Christ. In turn, we open our eyes to the world, and we get to believe the fact that God guarantees everything in the evangelism. The restoration will be rising according to the schedule of God in the field where we shine the light. The world is going along in the center of the evangelism. Do not get discouraged by your present but grab a hold of His word Isaiah 6:22 and make up your mind. Then, God will open His door for us.


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