2010년 05월 16일"You received the Spirit of sonship"
2010-05-19 00:00:00
조회수 1760
May.16,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
You received the Spirit of sonship
Introduction: As you and I receive the grace from Jesus, God works for us(Ps.81:12-15, Jer.33:2-3). Once the Peruvian people working in Korea receive the grace from God, they started relaying the gospel to their country in spite of their hardships. This led to building up the regional churches in the capital of Peru. This Peru conference was held with the key members trained by Peru regional churches. One business person received the gospel and Gods grace through whom the great door of evangelism was opened. Blessings from God are only for us with salvation and let us not get a spirit that makes us a slave again to fear, but receive the spirit of sonship.
1.The Spirit of sonship - life
(1)The man who God created first is the existence that had a life in His image
(2)The man was deceived by satan and was separated from God which resulted in every problem beginning to come(Spiritual problem)
1)Since the relationship with God was cut off, the lives of people have been dragged and ruined by satan
2)All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
(3)God came to the world in the body of Christ in order to give us life directly(Grace)
1)Redeeming our sins on the cross, He restored the condition so that we could get the life back.
2)Christ became the light and there was life in Him(Jn.1:4,9,12,10:10,14:6, 1Jn.5:11-12)
3)The history of this life had already been prophesied in the bible(Ge.3:15, Ex.12:23, Nu.21:9, Isa.7:14)
2.The Spirit of sonship - the right to fight in the spiritual battlefield
(1)Anyone who received the spirit of sonship do not need to fear and be scared(ver.15)
1)The people in the world were scared and afraid without any reason
2)We did not receive a spirit that makes us a slave again to fear, but we received the Spirit of sonship
(2)We are given the right to have spiritual fight indeed.
1)The fight is still on even with the Spirit of sonship
2)We was given the right to enjoy the Spirit of sonship
Conclusion: Everything was given in the blessings of life. Without knowing this fact, we will not receive the answers and even our own blessings will be snatched (Mt.13:19) We received the salvation and are Gods children with the spirit of sonship. God wants us to have the life, enjoy and know the history of every blessing in the life. Let go of everything except for one thing, Christ.(Please meditate on Eph.1:10, Php.2:9-11)
You received the Spirit of sonship
Introduction: As you and I receive the grace from Jesus, God works for us(Ps.81:12-15, Jer.33:2-3). Once the Peruvian people working in Korea receive the grace from God, they started relaying the gospel to their country in spite of their hardships. This led to building up the regional churches in the capital of Peru. This Peru conference was held with the key members trained by Peru regional churches. One business person received the gospel and Gods grace through whom the great door of evangelism was opened. Blessings from God are only for us with salvation and let us not get a spirit that makes us a slave again to fear, but receive the spirit of sonship.
1.The Spirit of sonship - life
(1)The man who God created first is the existence that had a life in His image
(2)The man was deceived by satan and was separated from God which resulted in every problem beginning to come(Spiritual problem)
1)Since the relationship with God was cut off, the lives of people have been dragged and ruined by satan
2)All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
(3)God came to the world in the body of Christ in order to give us life directly(Grace)
1)Redeeming our sins on the cross, He restored the condition so that we could get the life back.
2)Christ became the light and there was life in Him(Jn.1:4,9,12,10:10,14:6, 1Jn.5:11-12)
3)The history of this life had already been prophesied in the bible(Ge.3:15, Ex.12:23, Nu.21:9, Isa.7:14)
2.The Spirit of sonship - the right to fight in the spiritual battlefield
(1)Anyone who received the spirit of sonship do not need to fear and be scared(ver.15)
1)The people in the world were scared and afraid without any reason
2)We did not receive a spirit that makes us a slave again to fear, but we received the Spirit of sonship
(2)We are given the right to have spiritual fight indeed.
1)The fight is still on even with the Spirit of sonship
2)We was given the right to enjoy the Spirit of sonship
Conclusion: Everything was given in the blessings of life. Without knowing this fact, we will not receive the answers and even our own blessings will be snatched (Mt.13:19) We received the salvation and are Gods children with the spirit of sonship. God wants us to have the life, enjoy and know the history of every blessing in the life. Let go of everything except for one thing, Christ.(Please meditate on Eph.1:10, Php.2:9-11)