
2010년 11일 21일 "The testimony that is pleasing to God"
2010-11-26 00:00:00
조회수   1504
November.21,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
The testimony that is pleasing to God

Introduction: It is a thanksgiving that breaks down some curses passing down to the family. Those who can praise God are the true winners on this earth. Thanksgiving day is derived from the day when 102 members of Puritan were thankful for Gods grace after having found New Land. People started having a certain rule to keep the season from the Old Testament periods. God gave us these seasons for us not to forget but to find His blessings, which is the same reason why God recorded His words.

1.Three seasons have something to do with the life of thanksgiving and sucess.
1)God gave us these three seasons to let us taste and experience the histories of Gods blessings thoroughly
2)We are living in the New Testament where everyday is thanksgiving day
3)Every blessing was made by Passover, Pentecost, and Ingathering in Christ
(2)The meaning of three seasons
①When the blood of lamb was put on the doorjamb, people in Egypt were able to get out of their curses
②No matter what circumstances we are in now, the disasters will pass over us when we grab a hold of Christ
①While the israeli were going through the wilderness, God fed them with manna and help them win with the pillar of cloud and fire
②God makes us live such a victorious life by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and filling of the Holy Spirit
①It means the blessings of Canaan
②God moved His people to the center of the eternal blessings so that satans could not destroy them anymore

2.The secret that God accomplished on the cross
(1)Since Jesus died on the cross, the curtain between the Holy Place and sanctuary was torn(Lk.23:45)
1)Only the Priest could enter the sanctuary passing through the curtain with the blood of lamb
2) Anyone can boldly open the door to meet God under any circumstances(Lk.23:45, Heb.10:19)
(2)Because Jesus gave his life on the cross, He broke down the barrier(Eph.2:14)
(3)Thank to His own blood, Jesus solved our eternal problems at once(Heb.9:12)

3.We must enjoy the secret that shows the fact that He is with us all the time
(1)God wants us to be thankful in every situation breaking every physical connection up
(2)We can save the world by recovering the fundamental grace, spiritual grace, and the grace of salvation
(3)It is the most valuable secret that we go with God in any situation(v.11, 12)
(4)As the servant of Christ, we make offerings wishing the Lord uses us for his sake

Conclusion: God called us to become evangelists who spread gospel and world evangelization. God wants to use us as His righteous weapons. By making offerings, we can confess our thankful heart. We must thank God for the fundamental and spiritual blessing, which is salvation.


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