
2011년 1월 16일 "On that day tell your son"
2011-01-19 00:00:00
조회수   1486
January.16,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
On that day tell your son . . .

Introduction: God has blessed us to take the best way in our lives, that is called he life of the evangelists. In other words, it is to enjoy Immanuel by enjoying the life of the saved. Immanuel means God is with us. Every work without this blessing has no choice but to be the tower of babel. We must grab a hold of the uniqueness to enjoy and restore the life of the evangelists, which is Christ. We must come into prayers holding the unique name, Christ, to restore the life of the evangelists. Then, we will have a strong belief that everything is turned into blessings in the fields. This is how we enjoy the life of the evangelist.

1.We must live to be a messenger of the covenant(v.8, 19)
(1)Grab the covenant
1)The covenant is Gods words
2)Gods desire and plans are Immanuel and world evangelization
3)The covenant was broken by Genesis 3s problem but God restored the covenant for us to send
(2)God has used churches to send the covenant, the only gospel
1)The identity of the church is to spread the covenant
2)God had absolutely blessed the churches that tells the gospel only
3)To resolve architectural offerings by having a heart to chance the regional cultures and testify the gospel
(3)God called Abraham family, four chiefs
(4)God called Moses to convey the covenant

2.The blessings that we must realize - the blessings of Exodus(v.9)
(1)The blessings of Exodus must precede everything so that we can receive blessings
1)As the disasters came to Egypt and destroyed it, so they came to destroy things on the earth
2)Only Jesus Christ is the way for us to be saved and win curses and disasters(Ac.4:12, 1Co.1:18, Ro.1:16)
(2)The blessings of Exodus to the next generation
1)Exodus is that God scooped us out of sins, curses, and the satans hands
2)If we do not know the secret of Exodus, gospel, we will be losers by spiritual problems
3)When we just understand the secret of Exodus, the answers will start to come(the blood of Passover lamb)
4)We must enjoy this blessing and relay this blessing to next generation

Conclusion: Passover is the way to meet God. Also, Passover is the way to finish the spiritual problems and to be free from curses, disasters, and satans hands. This is called he Covenant. We must hold this covenant and be a messenger of the gospel to next generation, neighbors and to the fields by enjoying the work of the blessings


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