2011년 2월 6일 "The Lord will reign for ever and ever"
2011-02-09 00:00:00
조회수 1482
February.06,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
The Lord will reign for ever and ever
Introduction: We must keep praying for your family and relatives this lunar new year. God will absolutely accomplish the evangelizaton of families through Him(Ac.16:31). Is there anyone who got hurt by people? Do not look at them in their flesh, but in their spiritual state. We will see that we are in spiritual battles. Even though everyone falls in the middle of impiety, if at least one has faith in Gods power, he will save the nation, family, and their children. We must confess this faith like Crosby and Wesley and experience Gods power.
1.We must Find Gods power working in the middle of our lives.
(1)Why are there so many people wandering in their spiritual problems?
1)Even though the man was created in His own image, the man served satan because he could not find a target of worship
2)Because of that reason, man fell into the spiritual problem and became a spiritual orphan
3)The man bore nothing but the fruit of disasters without any true joy and satisfaction.
(2)There is the very author who makes troubles(Eze.28:14, Isa.14:12-14, Rev.12:1-9)
1)One of the angels God created in spiritual existence and served God in the nearest fell into temptation.
2)The angel got spiritually cursed and brought chaos into the world(Rev.12:1-9)
3)Satan tempted Adam and Eve and made them distrust God; they got separated from God(Ge.3:1-6, Ac.10:38)
(3)The result of being oppressed by the devil(the state)
1)Every life is to be oppressed by the devil and all are doomed to become children of devil
2)People are to live like a slavery and worship idols
3)People get curses and disasters during their lifetime.
4)Curses result in death and people go to hell and suffer from pain forever(Heb.2:14, Ro.6:23)
5)Bigger spiritual problems will pass down to their children
(4)Gods plan to save life - Christ(Ro.5:8, Jn.1:12, Ro.10:13, Eph.2:8)
2.The walk of faith means to believe and enjoy Gods power
(1)When we confess Gods power in faith, invisible Holy Spirit works behind us.
1)Moses confessed Gods power in faith(v.1,3,8,11,18)
2)Moses experienced this kind of Gods power in his life
(2)The way to know and enjoy Gods power - Christ only
1)To realize Christ is the only way to know, believe, and enjoy Gods power
2)If we truly understand Ge.3:15, Ex.3:18, Isa.7:14, Mt.16:16 , His power will appear.
3)God gave the Spirit of sonship and called them heirs of Him(Ro.8:15-17), we were allowed to enjoy everything from God(Ro.8:32)
4)Christ is working in words, prayers, and evangelism
Conclusion: We must try to find the fact that God is working in power. When we restore faith, the reign of the Lord leading our lives will give us the answer that it lasts for ever and ever.
The Lord will reign for ever and ever
Introduction: We must keep praying for your family and relatives this lunar new year. God will absolutely accomplish the evangelizaton of families through Him(Ac.16:31). Is there anyone who got hurt by people? Do not look at them in their flesh, but in their spiritual state. We will see that we are in spiritual battles. Even though everyone falls in the middle of impiety, if at least one has faith in Gods power, he will save the nation, family, and their children. We must confess this faith like Crosby and Wesley and experience Gods power.
1.We must Find Gods power working in the middle of our lives.
(1)Why are there so many people wandering in their spiritual problems?
1)Even though the man was created in His own image, the man served satan because he could not find a target of worship
2)Because of that reason, man fell into the spiritual problem and became a spiritual orphan
3)The man bore nothing but the fruit of disasters without any true joy and satisfaction.
(2)There is the very author who makes troubles(Eze.28:14, Isa.14:12-14, Rev.12:1-9)
1)One of the angels God created in spiritual existence and served God in the nearest fell into temptation.
2)The angel got spiritually cursed and brought chaos into the world(Rev.12:1-9)
3)Satan tempted Adam and Eve and made them distrust God; they got separated from God(Ge.3:1-6, Ac.10:38)
(3)The result of being oppressed by the devil(the state)
1)Every life is to be oppressed by the devil and all are doomed to become children of devil
2)People are to live like a slavery and worship idols
3)People get curses and disasters during their lifetime.
4)Curses result in death and people go to hell and suffer from pain forever(Heb.2:14, Ro.6:23)
5)Bigger spiritual problems will pass down to their children
(4)Gods plan to save life - Christ(Ro.5:8, Jn.1:12, Ro.10:13, Eph.2:8)
2.The walk of faith means to believe and enjoy Gods power
(1)When we confess Gods power in faith, invisible Holy Spirit works behind us.
1)Moses confessed Gods power in faith(v.1,3,8,11,18)
2)Moses experienced this kind of Gods power in his life
(2)The way to know and enjoy Gods power - Christ only
1)To realize Christ is the only way to know, believe, and enjoy Gods power
2)If we truly understand Ge.3:15, Ex.3:18, Isa.7:14, Mt.16:16 , His power will appear.
3)God gave the Spirit of sonship and called them heirs of Him(Ro.8:15-17), we were allowed to enjoy everything from God(Ro.8:32)
4)Christ is working in words, prayers, and evangelism
Conclusion: We must try to find the fact that God is working in power. When we restore faith, the reign of the Lord leading our lives will give us the answer that it lasts for ever and ever.