
2011년 2월 13 "Then Moses cried out to the Lord"
2011-02-16 00:00:00
조회수   1469
February.13,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Then Moses cried out to the Lord

Introduction: Before we do something, we must experience Gods power and find His plan. If we do not have this answer, we are likely to fall into disbelief and if we do so, we can find the blessings God has given even in some certain problems and difficulties. Israeli who had always complained, had grudges and suffered only were led to the place where there were twelves springs and seventy palm trees by God. Surely God will give us the same blessing to our lives. The difficulties that Israeli people faced during the time they were in the wilderness were meant to test them for God to bless those people. We must not be deceived by the test by which we can get such blessings from God. Here are some reasons why God has allowed us to go through difficulties and tests.

1.To look on God only(v.26)(The recovery of faith)
(1)The true blessing is to know God(Isa.40:31)
1)Human was created to know God
2)When we look on God, God gives the answers.(Ps.50:13)
3)Every problem on this earth was derived from the fact that we do not look on God.
4)The true satisfaction and happiness come from what God gives us.(3Jn.1:2)
(2)How can we look on God only? - Jesus Christ is the way(Jn.14:6)
1)The one who accepted Christ as their savior never fell down.(2Co.4:7-9)
2)God worked spiritually in the body of Christ for king Hezekiah who looked up to God only. (2Ki.19)

2.To realize the blessings that we are the children of God(v.26)(The recovery of identity)
(1)God wants us to restore our true identities and authorities that can possibly save our fields.
(2)The identities and authorities that God has given us
1)Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
2)Guidance of the Holy Spirit
3)Answers to prayer
4)Forces of darkness bound
5)Heaven militaries protect Gods people
6)Answers begins from the true enjoying
7)Make disciples for the world evangelization
(3)It is the blessings of identity to call us and tell us to live the life of the evangelist(Mt.28:16-20)

3.Because there is something important for us to do in the Canaan(The recovery of commission)
(1)God recovered their faiths and commissions in the wilderness; therefore, Israeli won 7 tribes and 31 kings in the Canaan sufficiently.
(2)God prepares our vessels for the blessings of world evangelization

Conclusion: It is more miraculous that Moses cried out to the Lord than they had water in the wilderness. God grants us His answers accurately based on His time schedule. The most important thing is that I have faith that I believe in Gods power and the secret of prayers. We must get into 24 hour-prayer and build teams for 24 hour- prayer. Since we have already had the perfect gospel and biblical way of world evangelization, we just pray. The name Christ must be used the most.


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