2011년 2월 27일 "Strike the rock"
2011-03-03 00:00:00
조회수 1476
February.27,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Strike the rock
Introduction: When we sum up the 66 scripts in the Bible, they all share one thing, God is alive(Ge.1:1). Our turning point of lives is to realize that God is alive(Ge.1:27). Furthermore, when we realize the fact that God, the living Creator, is with us, the blessing for our walk of faith begins.
Moses knew that God was with them and whenever he faced problems, Moses relied on God. Israelites arrived at Rephidim, but there was no food. The people were trying to grumble against Moses and even strike him. Israelites started doubting whether or not God was among them.(v.7) How was Moses guided in this crisis? We will have a close look at what to do when facing this kind of crisis.
1.Join the secret of prayers(v.4)
(1)Moses did not fight against their people but prayed to God(v.4)
(2)Pray until there is Gods evidence in our business, jobs, and schools(1Sa.7:7-10, Ex.17:8, Isa.62:6-7)
(3)We receive His words while praying, with which we must meditate on His words(2Ti.2:7, Php.1:10, 2Ki.6:8-23, Eze.35:36-38, Jer.33:1-3)
(4)People in charge of important work in church must restore prayers.
(5)Restore prayers against satan that attacks us not to live the life of the evangelist.
2.Pray to God with the evidences that God has given us(v.5).
(1)Pray holding evidences that God has given us.
(2)God gave us spiritual blessings and authorities by Christ(Jn.4:24, 6:63, 14:16-17)
3.Strike the rock(v.6)
(1)Even though the life has been prepared well, there is something lacking(Jn.2)
(2)Only Jesus Christ can solve the fundamental conflict of human
1)Jesus Christ only is spiritual drink and forever rock(1Co.10:1-4, Jn.4:14, 7:37-38)
2)After Paul who had everything met Jesus, he considered everything rubbish(Php.3:8)
(3)Stand on Christ who is everlasting rock(never destroyed)
Conclusion: There is a secret in the life of able evangelists even in great crises. We must prayer holding spiritual blessings God has already given us. We must conquer the world holding the name of Christ who has given our spirits satisfaction. Strike the rock.
Strike the rock
Introduction: When we sum up the 66 scripts in the Bible, they all share one thing, God is alive(Ge.1:1). Our turning point of lives is to realize that God is alive(Ge.1:27). Furthermore, when we realize the fact that God, the living Creator, is with us, the blessing for our walk of faith begins.
Moses knew that God was with them and whenever he faced problems, Moses relied on God. Israelites arrived at Rephidim, but there was no food. The people were trying to grumble against Moses and even strike him. Israelites started doubting whether or not God was among them.(v.7) How was Moses guided in this crisis? We will have a close look at what to do when facing this kind of crisis.
1.Join the secret of prayers(v.4)
(1)Moses did not fight against their people but prayed to God(v.4)
(2)Pray until there is Gods evidence in our business, jobs, and schools(1Sa.7:7-10, Ex.17:8, Isa.62:6-7)
(3)We receive His words while praying, with which we must meditate on His words(2Ti.2:7, Php.1:10, 2Ki.6:8-23, Eze.35:36-38, Jer.33:1-3)
(4)People in charge of important work in church must restore prayers.
(5)Restore prayers against satan that attacks us not to live the life of the evangelist.
2.Pray to God with the evidences that God has given us(v.5).
(1)Pray holding evidences that God has given us.
(2)God gave us spiritual blessings and authorities by Christ(Jn.4:24, 6:63, 14:16-17)
3.Strike the rock(v.6)
(1)Even though the life has been prepared well, there is something lacking(Jn.2)
(2)Only Jesus Christ can solve the fundamental conflict of human
1)Jesus Christ only is spiritual drink and forever rock(1Co.10:1-4, Jn.4:14, 7:37-38)
2)After Paul who had everything met Jesus, he considered everything rubbish(Php.3:8)
(3)Stand on Christ who is everlasting rock(never destroyed)
Conclusion: There is a secret in the life of able evangelists even in great crises. We must prayer holding spiritual blessings God has already given us. We must conquer the world holding the name of Christ who has given our spirits satisfaction. Strike the rock.