
2011년 4월 17일 "The message of the cross"
2011-04-20 00:00:00
조회수   1550
April.17,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Kim, Choel Yeon
The message of the cross

Introduction: Do you know who planned, progressed, and accomplished Exodus? It is God. Nobody can stop his work. Problems are not the reason why lay people fail. The unfaith that makes people disbelieve God is the very reason of their failures even though He is still working on us. When we come to realize how perfect Gods plan is, belief will sprout from us, which will teach us perseverance.

1.What is the message of the cross?
(1)The son of God, Jesus, came to solve humans sin and was crucified on the cross and resurrected in three days. The one is the messiah as savior and becomes Christ
1)Mt. 16:16 Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God
2)Ro.8:1-2 The law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death by Christ
3)Gal.5:1 Christ has set us free and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery

2.We must restore the ability of gospel and enjoy our lives
(1)The ability of gospel has accomplished through crucifixion and resurrection
(2)The ability of gospel is?
1)The ability to break down the gates of Hades and forces of unbelief
2)The ability to restore the relationship between God and us
①We have found ourselves by words and the light of Holy Spirit
②restoring our faith and answers of prayers
③restoring the relationship with people
(3)Look up to God and challenge every problem with your faith.
(4)We must live the life of the evangelist in His words, prayers, and evangelism everyday

Conclusion: Do not consider your problems real problems. God keeps upgrading our beliefs that come into the words, evangelism, and prayers. He makes us mature christians. Take courage in faith.


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