2011년 5월 1일 "Until you have increased enough to take possession of the land"
2011-05-04 00:00:00
조회수 1535
May.01,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Until you have increased enough to take possession of the land
Introduction: God does not want us to live within the curses, disasters, failures, and sufferings. God wants us to conquer and govern the field with the blessing God has given to us(Ge.1:27-28, Jer.29:11). Gods plan for us is the blessed plan, salvation(Ge.3:15, 6:14, Jn.3:16). In the scripture, God has given us the blessing of Canaans conquer and shown how He works until we enjoy the blessing. What must we do in order to conquer and enjoy governing blessings?
1.We must receive Gods grace first.
(1)Unless we enjoy Gods grace and answers, even christians can be fallen and be suffering in their spiritual problems(v.1)
(2)Every life on this earth cannot help failing(even Adam failed)
1)Successful people also can be failures after all
①Because they do not know problems in their lives and the gospel of Christ
②People seeming to succeed eventually collapsed with spiritual problems
2)We must help successful people, professionals live a life of the evangelist
3)We must help children have the answers about their problems in life from their young age
(3)Gods grace comes out of the essence of gospel
1)This means Gods grace comes from enjoying and realizing the gospel
2)If we enjoy receiving the grace, every field and the next generation will revive(Joseph, Paul)
3)The essence of gospel is the fact that Jesus is Christ(Mt.16:16)
4)Hana church must talk about Christ only
2.Arising spiritual secret when grace receiver prays
(1)God mobilized his angels ahead of us(v.20, 23, 27, 28)
1)God mobilizes his angels to help people of the Lord(Heb.1:14)
2)We must deliver it to the next generation so that they can believe in the invisible part(Heb.11:1)
3)What we must do is to grasp His words and come into prayers and obey the covenants(v.21-22)
(2)God raised his hand against enemies and demolished them(v.22, Ps.81:13-14)
(3)God has blessed every single life(v.25)
(4)God drives our enemies away for us little by little and make us conquer Canaan(v.29-30)
1)God has known all of our past, present, and future
2)We must find the answer of our problems and give thanks to God
Conclusion: Living in the world of spiritual problem, we must receive Gods grace. 1)The grace is shown to every life and the field changed by Him. 2)When we get Gods grace, God sends his angels ahead of us, opposes our enemies, and takes care of our lives. After all, He makes us conquer the land of Canaan. We must look for Gods grace in our problems and give thanks to Him.
Until you have increased enough to take possession of the land
Introduction: God does not want us to live within the curses, disasters, failures, and sufferings. God wants us to conquer and govern the field with the blessing God has given to us(Ge.1:27-28, Jer.29:11). Gods plan for us is the blessed plan, salvation(Ge.3:15, 6:14, Jn.3:16). In the scripture, God has given us the blessing of Canaans conquer and shown how He works until we enjoy the blessing. What must we do in order to conquer and enjoy governing blessings?
1.We must receive Gods grace first.
(1)Unless we enjoy Gods grace and answers, even christians can be fallen and be suffering in their spiritual problems(v.1)
(2)Every life on this earth cannot help failing(even Adam failed)
1)Successful people also can be failures after all
①Because they do not know problems in their lives and the gospel of Christ
②People seeming to succeed eventually collapsed with spiritual problems
2)We must help successful people, professionals live a life of the evangelist
3)We must help children have the answers about their problems in life from their young age
(3)Gods grace comes out of the essence of gospel
1)This means Gods grace comes from enjoying and realizing the gospel
2)If we enjoy receiving the grace, every field and the next generation will revive(Joseph, Paul)
3)The essence of gospel is the fact that Jesus is Christ(Mt.16:16)
4)Hana church must talk about Christ only
2.Arising spiritual secret when grace receiver prays
(1)God mobilized his angels ahead of us(v.20, 23, 27, 28)
1)God mobilizes his angels to help people of the Lord(Heb.1:14)
2)We must deliver it to the next generation so that they can believe in the invisible part(Heb.11:1)
3)What we must do is to grasp His words and come into prayers and obey the covenants(v.21-22)
(2)God raised his hand against enemies and demolished them(v.22, Ps.81:13-14)
(3)God has blessed every single life(v.25)
(4)God drives our enemies away for us little by little and make us conquer Canaan(v.29-30)
1)God has known all of our past, present, and future
2)We must find the answer of our problems and give thanks to God
Conclusion: Living in the world of spiritual problem, we must receive Gods grace. 1)The grace is shown to every life and the field changed by Him. 2)When we get Gods grace, God sends his angels ahead of us, opposes our enemies, and takes care of our lives. After all, He makes us conquer the land of Canaan. We must look for Gods grace in our problems and give thanks to Him.