2011년 6월 12일 "Whoever is for the Lord"
2011-06-17 00:00:00
조회수 1500
June.12,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Whoever is for the Lord
Introduction: Isaiah.62:10 says Raise a banner for the nations. If we do not save multi-ethnics, we can also face spiritual disasters like Solomons era. We must gain strength for a new start of mission through prayers. God bless people and churches that are confessing their faith that Jesus is Christ(Mt.16: 17-19). It is the blessing that God gave us to save this era which is fallen in idol worship. However, churches are weakening spiritual power and works of idol are getting stronger. We must know how this idolatry matters and how we can hinder it from happening.
1.Where does idolatry come from?(v.21, 25)
(1)Churches and lay people rarely speak about Christ who is the way to meet God and they tend to forget their duty which is delivering the gospel to people
1)There is no way to meet God in the field, so people cannot help worshiping idols
2)People of the world belong to satan and have been controled by satan
①The Bible only reveals the fact that there were the world of darkness and satan
②Bible describes evil spirits like Satan is father of the devil(Jn.8:44), the prince of this world(Jn.16:11), and the god of this age(2Co.4:4)
(2)The power of gospel and the words from God - Hold onto the power of words to change idolatrous fields
1)biblical evidence
①They all joined together constantly in prayer holding covenants(Ac.1:12-14)
②The work of God nobody can block(Ac.2:1-4)
③A man crippled from birth changed his destinies and curses(Ac.3:1-12)
④As soon as the gospel was prevailed, there was great joy in the Samaria that had serious spiritual problems because gospel had not been prevailed before
⑤Gospel was prevailed to Ephesus, idolatrous city, then spiritual problems were settled and a number people who had practiced sorcery burned their scrolls(Ac.19:8-20)
2)When we live the life of the evangelist holding this fact, we can enjoy the power to change the fields of idolatry
3)We must live the life of the evangelist - what is the right faith?
①We must experience word accomplishment in our field by finding prayer topics holding pulpit message God gives us each week
②God is living and managing our lives so that we must hold the fact that Holy Spirit is working and guiding us
4)We must realize spiritual facts
①Human is a spiritual being and is created in the image of God
②Humans beings cannot find any satisfaction and rest unless they meet God
③Spiritual impatience can be solved through words only(the commission of church)
(3)The result of idolatry(v.25) - churches became a laughingstock to their enemies
2.How can we stop the power of satan?(v.26)
(1)Draw near to God
1)Hew.10:20 2)Isa.55:7 3)Zec.1:3 4)Hos.1:6
(2)God quoted everything to explain one way that draws near to God
1)God says the offspring of a woman and made garments of skin(Ge.3:15,21)
2)God explained the ark, the blood of the lamb, Passover, tabernacles, three seasons, three duties
3)God raises us up as spiritual Levites for this era to prevail the secret of Christ
4)When we see His grace by drawing near to God, the power of idols will be destroyed in every field
Conclusion: Our battle is not physical battle but spiritual one and the fight against idols in this earth. Churches are to have the right gospel and solve spiritual impatience in the multi-ethnic fields. As a result of that, we are guided to multi-ethnic mission camp and mission conference to make disciples and workers who solve spiritual thirties. When we make disciples who can solve the problems of idol and dispatch such disciples to the mission field, God will bless us(v.29). I hope you will be a witness of this work.
Whoever is for the Lord
Introduction: Isaiah.62:10 says Raise a banner for the nations. If we do not save multi-ethnics, we can also face spiritual disasters like Solomons era. We must gain strength for a new start of mission through prayers. God bless people and churches that are confessing their faith that Jesus is Christ(Mt.16: 17-19). It is the blessing that God gave us to save this era which is fallen in idol worship. However, churches are weakening spiritual power and works of idol are getting stronger. We must know how this idolatry matters and how we can hinder it from happening.
1.Where does idolatry come from?(v.21, 25)
(1)Churches and lay people rarely speak about Christ who is the way to meet God and they tend to forget their duty which is delivering the gospel to people
1)There is no way to meet God in the field, so people cannot help worshiping idols
2)People of the world belong to satan and have been controled by satan
①The Bible only reveals the fact that there were the world of darkness and satan
②Bible describes evil spirits like Satan is father of the devil(Jn.8:44), the prince of this world(Jn.16:11), and the god of this age(2Co.4:4)
(2)The power of gospel and the words from God - Hold onto the power of words to change idolatrous fields
1)biblical evidence
①They all joined together constantly in prayer holding covenants(Ac.1:12-14)
②The work of God nobody can block(Ac.2:1-4)
③A man crippled from birth changed his destinies and curses(Ac.3:1-12)
④As soon as the gospel was prevailed, there was great joy in the Samaria that had serious spiritual problems because gospel had not been prevailed before
⑤Gospel was prevailed to Ephesus, idolatrous city, then spiritual problems were settled and a number people who had practiced sorcery burned their scrolls(Ac.19:8-20)
2)When we live the life of the evangelist holding this fact, we can enjoy the power to change the fields of idolatry
3)We must live the life of the evangelist - what is the right faith?
①We must experience word accomplishment in our field by finding prayer topics holding pulpit message God gives us each week
②God is living and managing our lives so that we must hold the fact that Holy Spirit is working and guiding us
4)We must realize spiritual facts
①Human is a spiritual being and is created in the image of God
②Humans beings cannot find any satisfaction and rest unless they meet God
③Spiritual impatience can be solved through words only(the commission of church)
(3)The result of idolatry(v.25) - churches became a laughingstock to their enemies
2.How can we stop the power of satan?(v.26)
(1)Draw near to God
1)Hew.10:20 2)Isa.55:7 3)Zec.1:3 4)Hos.1:6
(2)God quoted everything to explain one way that draws near to God
1)God says the offspring of a woman and made garments of skin(Ge.3:15,21)
2)God explained the ark, the blood of the lamb, Passover, tabernacles, three seasons, three duties
3)God raises us up as spiritual Levites for this era to prevail the secret of Christ
4)When we see His grace by drawing near to God, the power of idols will be destroyed in every field
Conclusion: Our battle is not physical battle but spiritual one and the fight against idols in this earth. Churches are to have the right gospel and solve spiritual impatience in the multi-ethnic fields. As a result of that, we are guided to multi-ethnic mission camp and mission conference to make disciples and workers who solve spiritual thirties. When we make disciples who can solve the problems of idol and dispatch such disciples to the mission field, God will bless us(v.29). I hope you will be a witness of this work.