2011년 7월 17일 "What they already had was more than enough to do all the work"
2011-07-20 00:00:00
조회수 1560
July.17,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
What they already had was more than enough to do all the work
Introduction: Before doing something, we must grab a hold of the evidence. The detailed description about the tabernacle tells us to hold onto the evidence now. God gives us every evidence through His words. We must grab a hold of the clear and real evidence everyday to win in the spiritual battlefield until the end of the world. Men of the evidence in the Old Testament such as Moses, David, and Joseph grabbed a hold of evidences, covenants, and they were not weary in their troubles but saved the age.
1.God wants us to restore our status
(1)Our statue - the children of God
1)God calls us to be with us(Mk.3:13)
2)God stands forever and his understanding no one can fathom(Isa.40:8, 28)
3)Children of God have nothing to do but enjoy God(Ex.7:5)
(2)How do we restore our statue?
1)By just believing in Jesus Christ(Jn.1:12. Receive Christ)
2)The moment we believe in God, He gives us the authority to become Gods children
3)As long as we stick to His message as evidence and make prayer requests out of it, Holy Spirit works on us
2.God let Israeli restore spiritual authorities in the wilderness
(1)God made a miracle to restore spiritual authorities(Jordan Red Sea Miracle, Conquered the land of Canaan)
(2)God allowed us to face several problems and accidents to restore spiritual authorities(passing through the dangerous wilderness. Dt.8:11-16)
(3)Take advantage of the authorities by praying(Lk.10:19, Mk.3:15, Lk.9:42)
1)Unless we use our authorities, we can be stuck in problems, accidents and failures all of a sudden(unbelief)
2)Satan always tries to sneak into us through the gap of unbelief so we must be alert not to be deceived by devils shooting flaming arrows
3.God let Israeli restore the mission to conquer Canaan through the wilderness
(1)God gave us His covenant, world evangelism
1)God gave Israeli the blessing, conquest of Canaan
2)The covenant of world evangelism - Mt.24:14, 28:20, Mk.16:15, Ac.1:8
(2)Mission is the way for God to give us His blessings
1)World history is based on every mission(The history of Israel that failed mission and became slaves and a tributary under captivity)
2)When we are guided to the mission in prayers, God bless our family, church, and business
(3)We must leave our footprints in the history of Gods sovereignty(world evangelization)
Conclusion: We must go on to hold the evidence like Israeli who brought more than enough offerings. This is the standard of offerings. We must hold onto evidences as surly as this. The recovery of our statue, spiritual authorities, and commission are things that we must keep in mind as our evidence from God in this era, our wilderness at present.
What they already had was more than enough to do all the work
Introduction: Before doing something, we must grab a hold of the evidence. The detailed description about the tabernacle tells us to hold onto the evidence now. God gives us every evidence through His words. We must grab a hold of the clear and real evidence everyday to win in the spiritual battlefield until the end of the world. Men of the evidence in the Old Testament such as Moses, David, and Joseph grabbed a hold of evidences, covenants, and they were not weary in their troubles but saved the age.
1.God wants us to restore our status
(1)Our statue - the children of God
1)God calls us to be with us(Mk.3:13)
2)God stands forever and his understanding no one can fathom(Isa.40:8, 28)
3)Children of God have nothing to do but enjoy God(Ex.7:5)
(2)How do we restore our statue?
1)By just believing in Jesus Christ(Jn.1:12. Receive Christ)
2)The moment we believe in God, He gives us the authority to become Gods children
3)As long as we stick to His message as evidence and make prayer requests out of it, Holy Spirit works on us
2.God let Israeli restore spiritual authorities in the wilderness
(1)God made a miracle to restore spiritual authorities(Jordan Red Sea Miracle, Conquered the land of Canaan)
(2)God allowed us to face several problems and accidents to restore spiritual authorities(passing through the dangerous wilderness. Dt.8:11-16)
(3)Take advantage of the authorities by praying(Lk.10:19, Mk.3:15, Lk.9:42)
1)Unless we use our authorities, we can be stuck in problems, accidents and failures all of a sudden(unbelief)
2)Satan always tries to sneak into us through the gap of unbelief so we must be alert not to be deceived by devils shooting flaming arrows
3.God let Israeli restore the mission to conquer Canaan through the wilderness
(1)God gave us His covenant, world evangelism
1)God gave Israeli the blessing, conquest of Canaan
2)The covenant of world evangelism - Mt.24:14, 28:20, Mk.16:15, Ac.1:8
(2)Mission is the way for God to give us His blessings
1)World history is based on every mission(The history of Israel that failed mission and became slaves and a tributary under captivity)
2)When we are guided to the mission in prayers, God bless our family, church, and business
(3)We must leave our footprints in the history of Gods sovereignty(world evangelization)
Conclusion: We must go on to hold the evidence like Israeli who brought more than enough offerings. This is the standard of offerings. We must hold onto evidences as surly as this. The recovery of our statue, spiritual authorities, and commission are things that we must keep in mind as our evidence from God in this era, our wilderness at present.